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Text To Speech Plugin for Xamarin and Windows

Simple and elegant way of performing Text To Speech across Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.tvOS, Xamarin.macOS Xamarin.Android, Windows, and Xamarin.Forms projects.


Build status:

I have been working on Plugins for Xamarin for a long time now. Through the years I have always wanted to create a single, optimized, and official package from the Xamarin team at Microsoft that could easily be consumed by any application. The time is now with Xamarin.Essentials, which offers over 50 cross-platform native APIs in a single optimized package. I worked on this new library with an amazing team of developers and I highly highly highly recommend you check it out.

Additionally, Xamarin.Essentials is now included in & .NET MAUI.

Due to the functionality being included "in the box" I have decided to officially archive this repo.

Platform Support

Platform Version
Xamarin.iOS iOS 7+
Xamarin.Android API 10+
Windows 10 UWP 10+
Xamarin.Mac All
Xamarin tvOS All


  • Speak back text
  • Pitch
  • Volume
  • Speak Rate
  • Locale/Language of Speech
  • Gather all available languages to speak in


Simple Text

await CrossTextToSpeech.Current.Speak("Text to speak");

Advanced speech API

/// <summary>
/// Speack back text
/// </summary>
/// <param name="text">Text to speak</param>
/// <param name="crossLocale">Locale of voice</param>
/// <param name="pitch">Pitch of voice (All 0.0 - 2.0f)</param>
/// <param name="speakRate">Speak Rate of voice (All) (0.0 - 2.0f)</param>
/// <param name="volume">Volume of voice (0.0-1.0)</param>
/// <param name="cancelToken">Cancel the current speech</param>
public async Task Speak(string text, CrossLocale crossLocale = null, float? pitch = null, float? speakRate = null, float? volume = null, CancellationToken cancelToken = default(CancellationToken))

CrossLocale I developed the CrossLocale struct mostly to support Android, but is nice because I added a Display Name.

You can query a list of current support CrossLocales on the device:

/// <summary>
/// Get all installed and valide lanaguages
/// </summary>
/// <returns>List of CrossLocales</returns>
public Task<IEnumerable<CrossLocale>> GetInstalledLanguages()

Each local has the Language and Display Name. The Country code is only used in Android. If you pass in null to Speak it will use the default.


  • iOS: AVSpeechSynthesizer
  • Android: Android.Speech.Tts.TextToSpeech
  • Windows: SpeechSynthesizer + Ssml support for advanced playback

Windows Phone You must add ID_CAP_SPEECH_RECOGNITION permission


Main branch is always the current development beta branch. This means that all new work can be done off this branch. For each release of a stable NuGet package a new release branch will be created so any additional hot fixes could be done off of that branch.


Under MIT, see LICENSE file.