This repo contains the code and data of our AAAI 2025 paper "TPCH: Tensor-interacted Projection and Cooperative Hashing for Multi-view Clustering". If you have any questions about the source code, please contact: [email protected]
Matlab R2024a
Matlab Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox
You can find more datasets used ine the papat at Baidu Netdisk
Run demo_Projectbinary.m
If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing:
@inproceedings{wang2025tpch, title={TPCH: Tensor-interacted Projection and Cooperative Hashing for Multi-view Clustering}, author={Wang, Zhongwen and Li, Xingfeng and Sun, Yinghui and Sun, Quansen and Sun, Yuan and Ling, Han and Dai, Jian and Ren, Zhenwen}, booktitle={Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence} }