notes from QCon
A valuable service A plan and a business model Simple flexible, easily adopted Managed and measured Great developer support
Each point above has two key sides: Business & Technology
One of the top three searches on programmable web : weather
- Over half of data written into Salesforce is through api
- Over half of placements in ebay is through their api
Being RESTful is not enough
Blog on Programmableweb - Netflix - "How REST keeps me awake at night"
more than 2/3 of apis support json. 1/2 of those apis support only json
provides choices
- data format, protocol, version
- control
- partial queries, updates and batch operations
TTFHW - Time to First Hello World
- Be clear at what you do
- Offer a free/trial version
- Fast/Automated sign up
- Clear/accurate documentation
- Copious code samples. Most developers don't want to write code from scratch.
- A whole working app. And. A whole working mobile app.
- Provide Tools
People underestimate the scale of an API project. One important aspect in managing an api Versioning
- Path segment - Date /2010-04-01/
- Path segment - Number /1/
- Path segment - v+number /v1/
- Query parameter - ?v=2 [Google]
- Custom HTTP header - String - GData-version:2 [Google]
- HTTP accept header - applicaiton/vnd.github[version] note Google provides support for both query param and header
Security Baseline
- OAuth 2
- SSL [Many apis are moving ssl only]
- Openid Connect [Still early today]
Metrics that matter
- Traffic
- total calls, top apis, call chains, quota faults
- Developers
- Total Developers, active, top, trending apps, retention
- Service
- Performance, Availability, Error rates, Code defects TODO Missed a couple here
- Business
- revenue
- Direct, Indirect
- revenue
Great developer experience
- Signup, guides, reference, SDK, prociing, clear ToS Communication and Community
- forum, blog, social media, email, app gallery
An example of a great api: Stripe [hearing this again and again]
Top 10 worst practices
- refer the slide share