v1.2.4: Added CustomEvent polyfill for IE 10+ support v1.2.3: Fixed treewalker bug for IE browser. v1.2.2: A grant improvement for callback hell, using Promise/Async/Await replaced. & supported components' external script to include component controller's script. v1.2.1: Fixed issue for uku-visible can't works with input element & refactoring for BoundItemAttribute v1.2.0: Add new directives uku-visible & uku-render v1.1.0: Supporting shadow style of components
$npm install -g bower
bower install ukulelejs
Import ukulelejs's library
<script type="text/javascript" src="ukulelejs/dist/uku.js"></script>
Add 'uku-application' as an attribute to any html tags, then ukulelejs will control whole this tag
<body uku-application>
Initialize ukulelejs and register Controller in the $(document).ready's callback function
var uku = new Ukulele();
uku.registerController("myCtrl", new MyController());
function MyController() {
this.message = "";
Bind any html attribute to your model, just add 'uku-' + attribute's name, using {{}} to show model's value
<body uku-application>
<input type="text" uku-value="myCtrl.message">