This project is a result of hackaton. This is simple app to play with other people around the world. There is one button. It serves to take over the animal. Only one man is able to keep animal to his own at time.
To run this app you have to follow some steps.
- Create keystore file and put it into \app\keys fodler.
- Create debug-signing.gradle file and also put it into \app\keys folder. The content should look like this:
ext {
storeFileDebug = 'keys/keyten-debug.keystore'
storePasswordDebug = 'STORE PASSWORD'
keyAliasDebug = 'KEY ALIAS'
keyPasswordDebug = 'KEY PASSWORD'
where values should be replaced with your credentials
- create firebase project, generate google-services.json and put it into the \app\src\debug folder.
- enablo authentication via Google sign-in method.
- That's it. You are able to run Debug build type.