Sonata Engine is a personal project that demonstrate how to write a Game Engine Runtime.
It includes fundamental features such as Reflection, Serialization, Forward Rendering, Phsycis and UI.
The Runtime is implementation on multiple APIs for different systems.
The Runtime provides a common set of features that are platform-independent.
Plugins provide platform-specific and third-party implementations (Direct3D, OpenGL, PhysX...).
- Windows
- Types
- Flags
- String
- ID (128-bit)
- Variant
- Point / Size / Rectangle
- Colors (integer 8-bit and floating point 32-bit)
- Containers
- Array (vector)
- List (linked list)
- Hashtable (set)
- Dictionary (map)
- Stack / Queue
- C++
- Reflection (macros)
- Serialization
- IO
- File Systems
- Disk
- Archive
- Streams
- Binary
- Memory
- Text
- Console
- File Systems
- Mathematics
- Vectors, Matrices, and Quaternion
- Bounding Box (AABB, OBB) and Bounding Sphere
- Shapes: Plane, Frustum, Capsule, Cylinder
- Computations (Projections, Euler Angles)
- Interpolations
- Intersections (Box, Sphere, Ray, Line)
- Log
- Level
- Filter
- Formatter
- Handlers
- Visualizers
- Bounding Shapes
- Normals
- Gizmos
- Axis
- Grid
- Skeleton
- Keyboard
- Mouse
- Gamepad
- Scene Graph
- Node Hierarchy
- Transforms
- Geometry
- Model / Mesh / Mesh Part
- Skeleton and Bones
- Socket support (attachments)
- Procedural Geometry
- Plane
- Box
- Sphere
- Shader System
- Vertex and Pixel Shaders
- Render States
- Shader Uniforms
- Lighting
- Forward Lighting with Point, Direction and Spot Lights
- Sky Box and Sky Dome
- Particles
- Multiple Emitters
- Multiple Sources (point, cube...)
- Terrain
- Multiple Generators
- Font
- Bitmap
- 2D
- Sprites
- Sofware Rasterizer
- Sofware Raytracer
- Transform Keyframes
- Morphing (CPU and GPU)
- Controls
- Window
- Panel / Scrollable Panel
- Label
- Text Box
- Push Button
- Checkbox Button
- Radio Button
- Progress Bar
- List Box
- Combo Box
- Image (with support for render to texture)
- Theme support
- Modal dialogs
- Node Graph
- Streaming
- Listener
- Audio Source
- Audio Channels
- Rigid Body and Joints
- Physics Materials
- Collision (multiple shapes)
- Software Implementation
- State Machine (FSM)
- Pathfinding (A*)
- Diect3D 8
- Diect3D 9
- OpenGL
- Cg
- DirectSound 8
- OpenAL
- Windows
- DiectInput 8
- XInput
- PhysX
- Entity
- Cameras
- Messaging and Events
- .ZIP
- .DDS
- .BMP
- .TGA
- .DDS
- .3DS
- .OBJ
- .X
- .WAV
- Quake Models (.MDL, .MD2, .MD3) and Maps (.BSP)
- Unreal .PSK
- Model Viewer
- Physics Sandbox
- AI (2D and 3D, Pathfinding)
- Scripting with LUA
- UI Gallery
- Procedural Texture Editor (node graph)
- Stealth Prototype (inspired by MGS)
- Terrain Prototype (vehicle driving)
- Sofware Rasterizer
- Sofware Raytracer