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Docs to PDF

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πŸ“Œ Introduction

This is a PDF generator from document website such as docusaurus. This is a fork of mr-pdf which was not maintained anymore. Feel free to contribute to this project.

πŸ“¦ Installation

npm install -g docs-to-pdf

πŸš€ Quick Start

npx docs-to-pdf --initialDocURLs="" --contentSelector="article" --paginationSelector="a.pagination-nav__link.pagination-nav__link--next" --excludeSelectors=".margin-vert--xl a,[class^='tocCollapsible'],.breadcrumbs,.theme-edit-this-page" --coverImage="" --coverTitle="Docusaurus v2"

⚑ Usage

For Docusaurus v2

npx docs-to-pdf docusaurus --initialDocURLs=""


npx docs-to-pdf --initialDocURLs="" --contentSelector="article" --paginationSelector="a.pagination-nav__link.pagination-nav__link--next" --excludeSelectors=".margin-vert--xl a,[class^='tocCollapsible'],.breadcrumbs,.theme-edit-this-page" --coverImage="" --coverTitle="Docusaurus v2"

πŸ— CLI Global Options

Option Required Description
--initialDocURLs Yes set URL to start generating PDF from.
--contentSelector No used to find the part of main content
--paginationSelector No CSS Selector used to find next page to be printed for looping.
--excludeURLs No URLs to be excluded in PDF
--excludeSelectors No exclude selectors from PDF. Separate each selector with comma and no space. But you can use space in each selector. ex: --excludeSelectors=".nav,.next > a"
--cssStyle No CSS style to adjust PDF output ex: --cssStyle="body{padding-top: 0;}" *If you're project owner you can use @media print { } to edit CSS for PDF.
--outputPDFFilename No name of the output PDF file. Default is docs-to-pdf.pdf
--pdfMargin No set margin around PDF file. Separate each margin with comma and no space. ex: --pdfMargin="10,20,30,40". This sets margin top: 10px, right: 20px, bottom: 30px, left: 40px
--paperFormat No pdf format ex: --paperFormat="A3". Please check this link for available formats Puppeteer document
--disableTOC No Optional toggle to show the table of contents or not
--coverTitle No Title for the PDF cover.
--coverImage No <src> Image for PDF cover (does not support SVG)
--coverSub No Subtitle the for PDF cover. Add <br/> tags for multiple lines.
--headerTemplate No HTML template for the print header. Please check this link for details of injecting values Puppeteer document
--footerTemplate No HTML template for the print footer. Please check this link for details of injecting values Puppeteer document
--puppeteerArgs No Add puppeteer BrowserLaunchArgumentOptions arguments ex: --sandbox Puppeteer document
--protocolTimeout No Timeout setting for individual protocol calls in milliseconds. If omitted, the default value of 180000 ms (3 min) is used
--filterKeyword No Only adds pages to the PDF containing a given meta keywords. Makes it possible to generate PDFs of selected pages
--baseUrl No Base URL for all relative URLs. Allows to render the pdf on localhost (ci/Github Actions) while referencing the deployed page.
--excludePaths No URL Paths to be excluded
--restrictPaths No Keep Only URL Path with the same rootPath as --initialDocURLs

Docusaurus Options

Option Required Description
--version No Docusaurus version. Default is 2.
--builDir No Path to Docusaurus build dir. Either absolute or relative from path of the shell

🎨 Examples and Demo PDF

Docusaurus v2





npx docs-to-pdf docusaurus --initialDocURLs=""


npx docs-to-pdf --initialDocURLs="" --contentSelector="article" --paginationSelector="a.pagination-nav__link.pagination-nav__link--next" --excludeSelectors=".margin-vert--xl a,[class^='tocCollapsible'],.breadcrumbs,.theme-edit-this-page" --coverImage="" --coverTitle="Docusaurus v2"

Docusaurus v1 - Legacy




npx docs-to-pdf docusaurus --initialDocURLs="" --version=1


npx docs-to-pdf --initialDocURLs="" --contentSelector="article" --paginationSelector=".docs-prevnext >" --excludeSelectors=".fixedHeaderContainer,footer.nav-footer,#docsNav,nav.onPageNav,a.edit-page-link," --cssStyle=".navPusher {padding-top: 0;}" --pdfMargin="20"

PR to add new docs is welcome here... 😸

πŸ“„ How docs-to-pdf works

  1. puppeteer can make html to PDF like you can print HTML page in chrome browser
  2. so, the idea of docs-to-pdf is generating one big HTML through looping page link, then run page.pdf() from puppeteer to generate PDF.


πŸŽ‰ Thanks

This repo's code is coming from

Thanks for awesome code made by @KohheePeace, @maxarndt and @aloisklink.

@bojl approach to make TOC was awesome and breakthrough.