Docs for the IBM Bluemix DevOps Services cloud development environment.
Documents go under one of the following directories:
- features/
- glossary/
- help/faq/
- tutorials/
See existing documents for examples.
# In Windows:
set PORT=3001
# In Linux:
export PORT=3001
git clone https://hub.jazz.net/git/agarcher/JazzHub.Tutorials
cd JazzHub.Tutorials
npm install
node app
# Browse to http://localhost:3001 by default.
Commit. Deploys will go to jazzhubdocs On Bluemix.
To do a personal deployment from the Web IDE:
- Make sure you have a Bluemix account.
- Edit your manifest.yml file to point to a Bluemix hostname and application name you own. Just make the changes locally. Do not stage or commit these changes.
- Click on the Deploy As button in the Orion menubar and choose Deploy Application From WebIDE to Bluemix.
- Click on the Deploy button to attempt this deployment. If the Bluemix application doesn't already exist, it'll be created.
- Browse to your application, but make sure to navigate to https://YOURHOST.mybluemix.net/tutorials, under the newly deployed app. The /tutorials is important.
- Return to the Web IDE and revert your changes to the manifest.yml. Again, DO NOT commit this change.
- To redeploy to this application in the future, select it from the same Deploy As button you used before.
- When staging/committing changes, make sure not to stage changes under launchConfigurations/ or manifest.yml.
- Navbar will appear unauthenticated unless the domain name of the server host ends in hub.jazz.net. This is a side effect of how our LTPA authentication scheme works. To work around this, add an entry to your hosts file (/etc/hosts on Linux; C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\host on Windows to make the server appear to have a domain name of, e.g., local.hub.jazz.net. The important part is the .hub.jazz.net suffix.
The IBM DevOps Services Team [email protected]