HackerRank is a platform where developers can hone their problem-solving skills in various domains such as Algorithms, Mathematics, Data Structures, AI, and more.
Developers can
- participate in coding contests,
- practice challenges,
- prepare for coding interview,
- get certifications and
- connect with tech recruiters.
This repository contains my personal solution on HackerRank Challenges:
Ref: https://www.hackerrank.com/domains/python
- Introduction (operators, loops, if-else, function)
- Basic Data Types (list, tuple, dictionary, list comprehension)
- Strings (split, join, format, alignment, validators)
- Sets (add, remove, union, intersection)
- Math (round, divmod, math library, cmath library)
- itertools (permutation, combination, groupby, product)
- Collections (counter, deque, namedtuple)
- Date and Time (time delta, calendar module)
- Errors and Exceptions (exceptions - try, except)
- Classes (built-in methods - double_underscore, overloading)
- Built-ins (zipped, sort, eval, any, all)
- Python Functionals (map, lambda, reduce, filter)
- Regex and Parsing (re, match, findall, sub, HTMLParser)
- XML (ElementTree, etree, fromstring, getroot)
- Closures and Decorators (inner-func, @wrapper)
- Numpy
- Debugging
Ref: https://www.hackerrank.com/domains/algorithms
Ref: https://www.hackerrank.com/domains/ai
Ref: https://www.hackerrank.com/contests/projecteuler/challenges