Data and code associated with Venkiteswaran, Rosamond, and Schiff. 2014. Non-linear response of riverine N2O fluxes to oxygen and temperature. Environmental Science & Technology 48(3): 1566–1573. doi: 10.1021/es500069j.
The raw data and R-script used to perform the analyses and figures are here. The raw data has been offered to the journal to be included as Supporting Information.
The raw data is a csv file. The associated README file has the units for the raw data.
The R-code requires ggplot2, GGally, mvpart, rpart, and rpart.plot.
The Journal Publishing Agreement from the American Chemical Society (ACS) states, "Supporting Information: The copyright ownership transferred to ACS in any copyrightable Supporting Information accompanying the Submitted Work is nonexclusive. The Author and the ACS agree that each has unlimited use of Supporting Information. Authors may use or authorize the use of material created by the Author in the Supporting Information associated with the Submitted or Published Work for any purpose and in any format." I am interpreting this to mean that I am allowed to post the raw data csv file on github.