We report a comprehensive atlas of spatiotemporal transcriptomes in potato leaves inoculated with Phytophthora infestans at single-cell resolution. By utilizing spatiotemporal atlas, we explore the immune repose at single-cell levels and illustrate the characteristics of cell populations in different immune states and dynamic responses within host microenvironment. This will significantly advance our understanding of the dynamic and heterogeneous nature of plant-pathogen interactions, thereby providing novel strategies for developing disease-resistant crops.
- fig1: Preprocessing Spatial transcriptome data and supervised Cells clustering
- fig2: Cell type specifics immune response
- fig3: Characteristics of Pathogen Targeted Cells (PTCs)
- fig4: Dynamic responses within host microenvironment
- seurat_pipeline: Basic seurat pipeline for data processing and cell clustering
- giotto_pipeline: Construct Delaunay network for spatial neighbor identification
Thanks to Yuying Li and Zhaonian Dong for developing scripts for these analysis.