A library that contains a few scala utility classes. Part of the Gilt Foundation Classes.
The latest version is 0.2.2, which is cross-built against Scala 2.10.x, 2.11.x and 2.12.x.
If you're using SBT, add the following line to your build file:
libraryDependencies += "com.gilt" %% "gfc-util" % "0.2.2"
For Maven and other build tools, you can visit search.maven.org. (This search will also list other available libraries from the gilt fundation classes.)
Allows a retry of a potentially failing function with or without an exponentially growing wait period:
// some potentially failing function
def inputNumber: Int = ???
// Retry the function up to 10 times or until it succeeds
val number: Int = retry(10)(inputNumber)
// some potentially failing function
def readFile: Seq[String] = ???
// Retry the function up to 10 times until it succeeds, with an exponential backoff,
// starting at 10 ms and doubling each iteration until it reaches 1 second, i.e.
// 10ms, 20ms, 40ms, 80ms, 160ms, 320ms, 640ms, 1s, 1s, 1s
val contents: Seq[String] = retryWithExponentialDelay(maxRetryTimes = 10,
maxRetryTimeout = 5 minutes fromNow,
initialDelay = 10 millis,
maxDelay = 1 second,
exponentFactor = 2)
Allows a retry of a function I => O
via a function I => Either[I, O]
val arr: Array[Boolean] = Array.fill(5)(false)
// Up to 10 times, set a random array index to 'true' and
// return "success" when all array elements are 'true', or throw 'TooManyRetries'
Retry.retryFold(maxRetryTimes = 10)(arr){ a: Array[Boolean] =>
if (a.forall(identity)) {
} else {
a(scala.util.Random.nextInt(a.length)) = true
// Set a random array index to 'true' and return "success" when all array elements are 'true'.
// Retry this up to 10 times until it succeeds, with an exponential backoff,
// starting at 10 ms and doubling each iteration until it reaches 1 second, i.e.
// 10ms, 20ms, 40ms, 80ms, 160ms, 320ms, 640ms, 1s, 1s, 1s, or throw 'TooManyRetries'
def func(a: Array[Boolean]): Either[Array[Boolean], String] = {
if (a.forall(identity)) {
} else {
a(scala.util.Random.nextInt(a.length)) = true
val result: String = retryFoldWithExponentialDelay(maxRetryTimes = 10,
maxRetryTimeout = 5 minutes fromNow,
initialDelay = 10 millis,
maxDelay = 1 second,
exponentFactor = 2)
RateLimiter can be used to rate-limit calls to a work function, e.g. a function that writes to a db. ThreadSafeRateLimiter is a thread safe version of RateLimiter, that synchronizes calls to the limit function.
val rateLimiter = new ThreadSafeRateLimiter(100) // Limit to 100 calls/second
def writeObject(obj: DBObject) = rateLimiter.limit {
A cache for objects that need their lifecycle to be managed and can't be just throw-away, e.g. for when ConcurrentHashMap.putIfAbsent(new Something()) may result in a Something instance that need to be closed if another thread's putIfAbsent was successful.
val inputStreamCache = new SingletonCache[File]
val file = new File("foo")
val is: InputStream = inputStreamCache(file) {
new FileInputStream(file)
Utility to unwind nested Throwable stacks
val e1 = new Exception()
val e2 = new Exception(e1)
val e3 = new Exception(e3)
val t: Throwable = Throwables.rootCause(e3)
t should be theSameInstanceAs e1
Copyright 2019
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0