An extensible model mapping framework, compose of an eclipse plugin (provide a simple model mapping DSL) and a general model mapping core.
Mapping between models in different formats always is boring. You have to face various technologies, languages, and frameworks. Why don't you imagine such a scene? I know the structures of source model and target model, then point out the mapping relation between fields, then again, say I want to convert the model from JSON to XML, it's done. JSON? XML? Should I care them? No. OK, jmodel-mapper can do this for you. This is what jmodel-mapper is.
How long will it take to finish a mapping job? One day or one week? If you are not very familiar with JSON or XML, or other specified model format? jmodel-mapper could save your days and hours, because you don't need to learn more technologies, and DSL Editor can help you writing mapping rules quickly.
mvn building...
install plugin...
create java project (refer to the sample) and add new file named xxx.mapping...
write your application (refer to the sample)...
run and get your expected result...
Eclipse Neon
only support json (xml has not been tested now)
basic mapping language support
many things...