This is the companion code for the paper: Multiview LSA: Representation Learning Via Generalized CCA, Pushpendre Rastogi, Benjamin Van Durme and Raman Arora, NAACL(2015).
Author = {Pushpendre Rastogi, Benjamin {Van Durme} and Raman Arora},
Booktitle = {Proceedings of NAACL},
Keywords = {mvlsa,multiview lsa,mvppdb},
Title = {Multiview LSA: Representation Learning Via Generalized CCA},
Year = {2015}
We have made available the best performing embeddings in both /mat/ and /svmlight/ formats (Table 9: column MVLSA Combined) at
. Download the file combined_embedding_0.mat from that collection or combined_embedding_0.emb.ascii and combined_embedding_0.word.ascii If you decide to use other embeddings files then please note that the embedding matrices in the matlab file need to be aligned to the vocabulary and then normalized as shown in the code below.
word=textread('$(VOCAB_500K_FILE)', '%s'); load('$(EMB_FILE)'); if exist('sort_idx') word=word(sort_idx); % VERY IMPORTANT STEP 1 !!! end; G = normalize_embedding(G); % VERY IMPORTANT STEP 2 !!! conduct_extrinsic_test_impl(G, ...);
The code is hosted at
This material is based on research sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under the Deep Exploration and Filtering of Text (DEFT) Program (Agreement number FA8750-13-2-0017). We also thank Juri Ganitkevitch for providing the word aligned bitext corpus as part of the PPDB project
MultiView LSA works in 4 stages
Every stage creates files for the next stage. To run a particular stage, just run the shell script associated with it. For example, run after running the EXTRACT_COUNT stage that dumps co-occurrence counts into sparse .mat files.
would run all the steps below
Assuming that you have downloaded the matlab files containing
co-occurrence counts to the directory
points to the vocabulary file that you
downloaded. These configuration variables are specified in
This is a tedious process with lots of grunt work, and though the code is provided you might not have access to the underlying resources. For example I used word aligned bitext corpora that were used as inputs for PPDB amongst others like FrameNet.
To solve this problem just download the extracted co-occurrence counts
as svmlight files or .mat file and go to the next step. Look at
for more details.
There was some non-trivial tuning involved in getting good results
with the Multiview LSA paper. See the file
to see the
best setting reported in the paper. You can simply run
defined in
set properly and that you downloaded the files from the previos step
into that folder. Note that my code works with matlab files even
though I provide the svmlight from previous stage for convenience.
Also note that this process can be trivially parallelized on
clusters since the commands in
are independent of
each other.
The heart of the algorithm. At its simplest it is just an SVD of the concatenated matrices derived from previous step. But care is required so that the matrices are not simultaneously loaded in memory and missing values need special attention. Run:
This script would produce the best embeddings reported in the paper. Note that this process is the slowest step, one by one we would load the mat files produced in the previous stage and then incrementally update our estimate of the left singular vectors. We load one matlab file at a time to balance memory usage and disk access but that is easy to change to load more or less data. Note that this process needs close to 10GB memory and 2.5 minute per view to run on a 10 core machine. (roughly 2 hours) It is possible to decrease the run time and memory required through more intelligent IO. (pre-loading data, mmap ?) but that's not built in. The best embeddings are also provided for download as:
Once we have trained the embeddings they should appear in the EMB_FOLDER
defined in the
file. For example, running
with default settings creates:
Now we can evaluate the embedding to reproduce the results reported in
the paper. Run ./
to get results like the following
The TOEFL score over G with bare [80, 78, 72] is 0.900000
Now working on SCWS_FILENAME
The SCWS Pearson correlation over G (2002 out of 2003) is 0.655713
The SCWS Spearman correlation over G (2002 out of 2003) is 0.674836
Now working on RW_FILENAME
The RW Pearson correlation over G (1868 out of 2034) is 0.380015
The RW Spearman correlation over G (1868 out of 2034) is 0.411926
Note that running the evaluation if you did not extract the counts
yourself requires you to download the vocabulary file that I used for
creating these embeddings. and store it in the vocabulary file
folder. Change variable VOCABWITHCOUNT_500K_FILE
in file
to change the location of the vocabulary file. You
can download the vocabulary file that we used to evaluate our
embeddings as well. By default the script produces the results without
combining with Glove embeddings, or Word2Vec embeddings, but the code
provides enough hooks to easily do it.
MRDS is a simple way to assign a minimum threshold t
to a testset of
size N. If the correlation coefficients of two competing methods
differ by t
then the difference is significant otherwise not. Please
note that the above description hides details and you should see the
paper for a more qualified and measured explanation. Run
At its default settings
would produce the last column of
of the paper that describes the datasets used.
- Task specific representation learning through feedback guided weights.
- Which contexts give a boost (this is part of analysis) Basically we code PMI, PPMI, Glove's Data dependent preprocessing as different views and then find which views get a high weight. I should decide the exact weighting strategy to use. Setting x-max really benefits the Semantic dataset however I can do a lot better in terms of weighting by carefully either either premultiply or postmultiply and then get basically a factored weighting.
- Finally do humans really break the performance intro matrices of statistics that are called views ?
- Tension between thresholding for noise removal and "missing value imputation for svd".