This is a simple ruby wrapper for the Pivotal Tracker V3 API utilizing HTTParty and Crack::XML.
Make sure you have gemcutter
sudo gem install gemcutter gem tumble
Install the gem
sudo gem install pivotal_tracker
Create a PivotalTracker object with your API key:
tracker ='API_KEY')
To use ssl:
tracker ='API_KEY', :ssl => true)
Use any of the currently implemented methods and access them like access the resources returned. Notice that all data returned is parsed and built into Mash objects/arrays for you:
projects = tracker.get_all_projects => "Joslyn Esser"
get_all_activities(options = {})
get_all_project_activities(project_id, options = {})
create_project(name, options = {})
get_project_membership(project_id, membership_id)
add_project_membership(project_id, role, email, options = {})
remove_project_membership(project_id, membership_id)
get_all_project_iterations(project_id, options = {})
get_all_project_stories(project_id, options = {})
Filter by passing in a filter hash: {:filter => {:type => “bug”, :id => “1,2,5”}}
Read more on filtering here:
add_project_story(project_id, story)
update_project_story(project_id, story_id, story)
delete_project_story(project_id, story_id)
add_project_story_note(project_id, story_id, text)
move_project_story(project_id, story_id, direction, target_story_id)
direction can be either “before” or “after”
Fork the project.
Make your feature addition or bug fix.
Add specs for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.
Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but
bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
Copyright © 2009 Joslyn Esser. See LICENSE for details.