This code is part of the final project of the University of California San Diego Fall Semester 2018 course Machine Learning for Image Processing. During the project, the team participated in the Kaggle Competition Airbus Ship Detection[1] using the same code.
Read the following instructions if you would like to run the code yourself.
For a quick demo, run the Jupyter Notebook Demo.ipynb
For a full training on the dataset, run the Jupyter Notebook train.ipynb
The dataset can be downloaded on the kaggle competition website[1].
In the notebooks, the following locations are referenced.
Adapt the code or make sure to recreate the data structure:
csv data for labels: /datasets/ee285f-public/airbus_ship_detection/
training data: /datasets/ee285f-public/airbus_ship_detection/train_v2/
test data: /datasets/ee285f-public/airbus_ship_detection/test_v2/
To run the notebook, you need the following packages installed:
- tensorflow
- keras
- matplotlib
- pandas
- scikit.image
- scikit.learn
Albrecht Wigand
University of California San Diego
[email protected]
Jeffrey Wang
University of California San Diego
[email protected]
Samuel Thornton
University of California San Diego
[email protected]
Siddhant Jain
University of California San Diego
[email protected]
Yan Sun
University of California San Diego
[email protected]