A collection of working grammars ready to use for the parol
parser generator
For instructions on how to setup parol
please have a look at
the book or the video.
The easiest way to test one of the given grammars is to let parol generate a project for you
parol new --bin --path <grammar_name>
In the command above please replace the <grammar_name> with the basename of the grammar file you're
about to inspect, e.g. if you want to test the regex grammar from rx.par
use the following
concrete command:
parol new --bin --path rx
Then enter the newly created folder rx
and overwrite the existing rx.par
by the one from this
Having this done you are ready to compile the crate
cargo build
After this please modify the test.txt
file with content that should be parsed, e.g.
and call the parser:
cargo run test.txt
For parol
in version 2 please use the variants provided in the folder parol_v2
If you find no specific version in this folder, the original grammar file should be fully compatible version 2.
You can check the version of parol
that you have installed by calling:
parol -V
>parol 2.2.0
Any contributions are welcome. Simply fork the project, add your contributions and create a pull request.
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed, without any additional terms or conditions.