The Soil Data Development Tools for ArcGIS™ includes the toolset used by USDA-NRCS to create the gSSURGO databases from a Soil Data Mart database snapshot each fiscal year. Tools for creating soil maps and reports are also available. See the Development User Guide and the gSSURGO Mapping Toolset documents for more information.
Major changes from last year:
- Reduction in size of the gSSURGO cointerp table should result in an overall reduction in file size of at least 30 percent.
- Improvement in soil map generation, especially for batch generated maps for horizon soil properties at specified depth ranges (see PowerPoint)
- Ability to convert gSSURGO soil map layers to TIFF for modeling or analysis in other non-ESRI GIS software. (see PowerPoint)
- A Resample Mapunit Raster tool designed to convert CONUS 10m raster to 30m. Uses majority aggregation and fills NoData cells created where there is a ‘tie’.