Ansible dynamic inventory script which reads standard Ansible inventory file and turns it into JSON inventory.
The purpose of this script is to be able to combine output of multiple inventory scripts. Because inventory scripts are outputting JSON, an inventory script converting standard Ansible inventory file written in INI format was needed.
For example if we want to combine YAML
inventory with the inventory
file generated by Vagrand Ansible
provisioner, we have
to create inventory_scripts
directory and place the inventory scripts in the
correct order there:
$ mkdir inventory_scripts tools
$ git clone tools/ini_inventory
$ git clone tools/yaml_inventory
$ ln -s tools/yaml_inventory/ inventory_scripts/
$ ln -s tools/ini_inventory/ inventory_scripts/
$ export INI_INVENTORY_FILENAME=./.vagrant/provisioners/ansible/inventory/vagrant_ansible_inventory
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory_scripts site.yaml
Jiri Tyr