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it's just a simple yet customizable logger.


Pepe is a swift package, so all you need to do is add the package via Xcode and that's it.

How to use?

Pepe will provide you the logger that you need. For that, you need to be polite and use the method loggerPlease().

let logger = Pepe.loggerPlease()

Once you have a logger, you can start logging the messages that you need.

logger.log("Hello world!")
// this would log: "🐸: Hello world!"


There are four different types of levels.

  • info
  • debug
  • warn
  • error

You set the level when you are going to log a message, for example:

logger.log("some message", level: .debug)

Note: by default, the level is info

Advanced usage


In case you need to modify the logging format, you have to use the LogModifiers. There's a property in the logger called modifiers that you can update. For example, let's suppose you need to show the log level and the time at which it was created, you would need to do the following.

logger.modifiers = [.level, .time]
logger.log("Modified log")
// this would log: "[INFO] 00:00:00.0000 modified log"

Notice that the log format will follow the order on which you added the modifiers.


A writer basically means "how do you want to log something". At the moment, Pepe supports two types of writers:

  • console: it will use the print() function.
  • os: it will use the os logging system via the os_log() function.
// if you want to use the os logging system
logger.writer = .os(subsystem: "foo", category: "bar")
// notice that .console is the default value

Execution type

Pepe supports logging in a syncronous scope and a non-sysncronous one.


If you don't want to block your current Thread, this is what you have to use. For this kind of execution, you need to provide a DispatchQueue where the logging will run asyncronously.

logger.executionType = .async(


If you want to block the current Thread, you can use this type of execution. under the hood, it uses an NSBlock.

// This is the default value
logger.executionType = .sync