todotxt_plasmoid is a Plasma widget for KDE, that displays your todo items from a todo.txt file. Currently only reading is supported and in order to add to the file you still need the todo.txt shell script.
This widget works in conjunction with todotxt CLI script, available at A full KDE installation with kde-plasma is needed as well.
Use the following commands to build the plasmoid on KDE 4.x:
git clone git:// todotxt_plasmoid
cd todotxt_plasmoid
zip -x ".git/*" -x ".gitignore" -x "*/*.pyc" -x "" -x "*~" -r ../todotxt_plasmoid.plasmoid .
cd ..
plasmapkg -i todotxt_plasmoid.plasmoid
plasmoidviewer todotxt_plasmoid
Alternatively, you can use to build and update after code changes.