- C Language (basics - structures and algorithms, memory management)
- backgend (python)
- frontend (Vanilla, HTML, CSS, etc..)
- 11 tasks totally
Topics covered:
- Basic DSA:
- Lists
- Queues
- Stacks
- Dictionaries and Sets
- Graphs (and recursion)
- Object Oriented Programming and Design Patterns
- Data Export
- User Authorization
- VCS (Version Control System)
- Unix, Linux, POSIX
- Creating TCP/IP simple messager
- Creating LZ77 simple text archiver
- User Manager in Unix systems
- 10 tasks totally
Topics covered:
- External Modules:
- Data Parsing
- CSV/XLSX Reports
- Queues
- Image processing
- Simple Social Network
- Databse structure and Migrations
- Creating posts; user profile and its friends
- Administrator interface
- Optimization
- Quey scheduler and Indexes
- Caching and Full-Text search
- Event-Driven architecture