1.Tax rate varies according to zipcode 2.No database calls expected 3.No payment gateway implemented 4.Placeholder business logic not actual logic in backend 5.Json input and output 6.No Security Implications
Included two java classes to test service master/src/main/java/com/checkoutservice/client
Technologies used : java, jersey,json.
Requirements for Project: Eclipse jdk 1.8 Tomcat 7
Instructions to Run the Project:
Import Project using Eclipse Select Maven type of Project Select existing Maven Project and browse and open the downloaded folder Run as Maven build options clean install Runtime Environment - tomcat and browse and select the tomcat directory; Run the application on server (tomcat 7) You are good to go!!! Use the Client java classes to test GET and POST calls to the service by running them as java application in eclipse.
API Documentaion:
- This data endpoint is used to make payments and complete order using card credentials and other information mentioned below
POST http://localhost:8080/CheckoutService/checkout/completeOrder
Request Body:
"cardnumber":String, "cvv":String, "expiry":String, "cardzipcode":String, "amount":String, "giftcardCode":String, "shippingOption":String, "Items":[ { "id":String, "name":String, "cost":String, "quantity":String }, ], "zip":String, "city":String, "street":String, "state":String, "country":String, "aptnumber":String };
Request Body Example: { "email":"[email protected]", "cardnumber":"124567890", "cvv":"368","expiry":"7/2019", "cardzipcode":"85284","amount":"125", "giftcardCode":"12345a", "shippingOption":"2 day", "Items":[ { "id":"101", "name":"nike shoes" ,"cost":"200","quantity":"1" }, { "id":"101", "name":"adidas shoes", "cost":"300", "quantity":"1" } ], "zip":"98124", "city":"Tempe", "street":"1234 N market street", "state":"AZ", "country":"US", "aptnumber":"397" }; Response: 200 { “success” :"Order Completed SuccessFully"
ERRORS 400 for Json Format Exception 400 for Order Failure 400 for invalid Parameters
- This data endpoint is used check if inventory has the required quantity to process the order GET http://localhost:8080/CheckoutService/checkout/inventoryCheck Request Body: No request body is required Parameters: itemID : String quantity : int Sample Request: GET http://localhost:8080/CheckoutService/checkout/inventotyCheck?itemID=12&quantity:3
Response: 200 { “success” :"Inventory Check Successful"
ERRORS 400 for inventory check failure
- This data endpoint is used retrieve amount for a particular gift code GET http://localhost:8080/CheckoutService/checkout/giftCard Request Body: No request body is required Parameters: giftCardCode: String
Sample Request: GET http://localhost:8080/CheckoutService/checkout/giftCard?giftCardcode=1234df
Response: 200 { "amount":"50"
ERRORS 400 for giftcard code failure
- This data endpoint is used to get tax rate for a particular zip code GET http://localhost:8080/CheckoutService/checkout/taxrate Request Body: No request body is required Parameters: zip: String
Sample Request: http://localhost:8080/CheckoutService/checkout/taxrate?zip=85281
Response: 200 { “rate” :"15"
ERRORS 400 for wrong code