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wilt::NArray<T, N> logo

This library is designed to handle N-dimensional data in an efficient and uniform manner. It is similar to Boost's multi_array and OpenCV's Mat classes but focuses on generalized ease-of-use without sacrificing performance.

An array can be transformed a number of ways; including ranging, skipping, and flipping:

1-D demo

These works for any number of dimensions and most transformations have X, Y, Z, and W variants for manipulating the those dimensions. Some transformations can manipulate multiple dimensions or are shown better in two dimensions:

2-D demo

Transformations can be chained together to create more complex access patterns to access the data in whatever way is necessary. All transformations reference the same shared data; no data is copied.

Element access is pretty straightforward:

// create 100x100 array of zeros
wilt::NArray<int, 2> arr({ 100, 100 }, 0);

// access with traditional array syntax
arr[0][0] = 42;

// access with function (preferred), 0) -= 36;

You can iterate over the array, over transformed arrays, and even over subarrays.

for (auto& elem : arr)
  // will loop 10,000 times in order
  //   [0][0] ... [0][99]
  //   [1][0] ... [1][99]
  //   ...
  //   [99][0] ... [99][99]

for (auto& elem : arr.sliceY(1).skipX(4))
  ; // will loop 20 times

for (auto subarray : arr.subarrays<1>())
  ; // will loop 100 times

You can adapt it to your existing data whether it be a plain array, std::array, or std::vector; and it will reference it.

int data[2][3] = { ... };

//, 0) points to data[0][0]
auto arr = wilt::make_narray(data);


This library is header-only, so it can either be added through include directories or copied in directly. You would just use the library but including the narray.hpp header like so:

#include "wilt-narray/narray.hpp"

This library was built using C++14 and tested using Catch2.


Check out the:

  • examples for small samples of what the library can do
  • overview for implementation details
  • documentation for function-specific documentation
  • tests for further usage, guarantees, and coverage


If you have any questions or if you notice a bug, you can create an issue here or e-mail me at [email protected].


C++ library for multi-dimensional array manipulation








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