Functional scripts for following users with the GitHub API
In order to use this scripts, you need to have Node.JS runtime
and some JavaScript package manager
installed on your system
Once you have them, clone this repository to your preferred location by running the following commands:
cd c:/projects
git clone
cd github-following-app
To make it work, you'll need to install the dependencies and also set envinroment variables:
npm install
Then, create a .env
file and write on it your GitHub PERSONAL-ACCESS-TOKEN:
echo PAT=here-goes-your-token > .env
To make sure the file has been created:
cat .env
If everything goes well, it will output your token
This script fetches all the followers of a specific GitHub user and starts following them one by one. It can take a GitHub username as an argument, or it will use the authenticated user if none is provided
This script unfollows every GitHub user who is not following you (the authenticated user)
This script unfollows every GitHub user who the authenticated user is actually following
To use any of the scripts, simply run the following command in your terminal:
node scriptName.mjs