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Apr 25, 2023
Apr 25, 2023
May 19, 2023
Aug 8, 2023
Mar 8, 2022
Mar 8, 2022
Mar 8, 2022
Aug 8, 2023

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This is an internal project for Knowit. The project aims to create a tool to gauge the employees' skills and motivations through a web form, and to make the analyses based on the form available for the individual employees and managers.


This project requires npm. It also requires that AWS CLI and AWS CDK are installed. All custom scripts are written in bash script.

Using AWS CLI SSO profiles

To use an AWS CLI sso profile, you need to run the script before running our npm commands for deploying the backend. This script requires you to have boto3 installed on the python environment you use. python awscliprofilename is the full command you need to run. This creates temporary credentials for the SSO profile, allowing npm run deploy to use those to perform calls to AWS.

Running the project

To run the project locally:

  1. Clone the GitHub repo.
  2. Run $ cd kompetansekartlegging-app (or whatever you've chosen to name the project in the cloning process)
  3. Run $ ./
  4. Run cd cdk
  5. Configure AWS CLI credentials:
    • If you are using AWS SSO profiles you need to run python aws-cli-profile
    • If not, run aws configure followed by either export AWS_PROFILE={aws cli profilename} on Linux/macOS or set AWS_PROFILE={aws cli profilename} on Windows, where {aws cli profilename}=default if you have not configured additional profiles
  6. Run cdk bootstrap
  7. Create a cdk.context.json file with an ENV key:
    • Deploy to sandbox? Give ENV any value you want, but it has to be unique, so you might get a conflict if it already exists on AWS
    • Deploy to dev or prod? The ENV value must be dev or prod. You also need to add an AZURE key (Azure AD metadata url)
       "ENV": "exampleenv"
  8. Run npm run deploy followed by npm run codegen (Alternatively, go to root directory and run ./ full)
  9. Run cd ../frontend followed by npm start

After Setup:

  • Run ./ to deploy changes to the backend
  • Run npm start in frontend folder to run frontend locally
  • For testing purposes, you can add data to your sandbox by running custom scripts such as scripts/

Production deployment instructions can be found here

Useful commands

  • npm run build compile typescript to js
  • npm run watch watch for changes and compile
  • npm run test perform the jest unit tests
  • npm run lint run ESLint and Prettier check
  • npm run lint-fix fix auto-fixable lint and formatting errors
  • cdk deploy deploy this stack to your default AWS account/region
  • cdk diff compare deployed stack with current state
  • cdk synth emits the synthesized CloudFormation template
  • ./ installs test dependencies and runs tests

Special packages used:



GitHub Actions is configured to deploy the app to the AWS dev environment on every PR merge. This will be skipped if there are only changes to certain files like readmes, and are specified in .github/workflows/deploy.yml.

Additionally, deployment can be triggered through the dispatchable workflow "Deploy to AWS", where you specify which environment to deploy to, and whether to deploy the entire app or the backend only.

Linting & Code formatting

ESLint and Prettier is configured for the frontend code using recommended rules. GitHub Actions analyzes the code when PRs towards the main branch are opened.


Tests run on every pull request towards the main branch.

Slack Notifications

When deploying to both the dev and production environments, a bot will post to a channel using Slack Apps and the Slack Notify action.

API docs

Documentation for the external API can be found at this projects Github Pages (kompetansekartlegging-app/docs) or at this URL: