Rewrite in progress! Some features may be raw or not work properly. Please create an issue if encountared.
Beware, ALPHA version
Creating new app:
bunx @doxium/cli init [name] [...args]
Updating existing app:
bunx @doxium/cli update
bunx @doxium/cli --help
- Fix all the issues reported
- Add li8n support, should consider the nextjs way and custom way.
- Deploy to npmjs:
Library w/ componentsCancelled because of the complexity (Ive spent 3 weeks trying to do this to no avail)
- Make a command to upograde and migrate from one version to another. (This re-write will act as a base layer)
- Imporve search by making it go through all the text.
- TailwindCSS v4
- Proper README
Lead developer - konyogony
Beta Tester and a nice friend who helped - PadowYT2
Credits to Next.js documentation and Nextra since I was influenced by them