DELETION FAIR WARNING. Please fork a copy if you want it.
- The gems used in the project are out of date and may have security issues.
- The password store does not use a salted password hash, which is contrary to best practices.
Software Stack
Tested on Microsoft Windows 8+ and Chrome
install Java 8 JDK from Oracle website
install from into C:\jruby-
Runs as a file database. Gems will be installed to run the database.
install Git for Windows
change directory to c:\
run the command "git clone crk2" to pull down the latest source code from Github.
Rails 4
change directory to c:\crk2
run the command "jruby -S gem install bundler" as the bundler gem has to be installed as its own step.
run the command "jruby -S bundle install" to pull down the dependencies.
run the command "jruby -S rake db:create db:migrate db:seed" to setup the development and test databases.
run the command "jruby -S rails server"
open http://localhost:3000 to see the home page of the project. Control-C the rails server to stop.
additional flags and commands are needed to run in production mode.
Set the environment variable RAILS_ENV as "RAILS_ENV=production" (this affects which database is in use amongst other things).
run the command "jruby -S rake secret" and use the output value below.
Set the environment variable SECRET_KEY_BASE as "SECRET_KEY_BASE=abc" where abc is the output value from above. This secret must be stable between runs.
run the command "jruby -S rake assets:precompile" to precompile assets (it sounds optional, but it is mandatory).
run the command "jruby -S rake db:create db:migrate db:seed" to setup the production database (observing the RAILS_ENV variable)
run the command "jruby -S rails server -p 80" to run with port 80