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Kanji of personal interest

Rebecca G. Bettencourt edited this page Mar 10, 2025 · 6 revisions

I will eventually be including all 3400〜3500 kanji from the kanji frequency chart (漢字出現頻度表 順位対照表) version 1.2 from the Agency for Cultural Affairs (文化庁). There is no need to create issues requesting large collections of kanji.

I receive 1 kanji a day in my email inbox and am currently (2025-02-24) adding 4 kanji a day (although I might skip some days). When my inbox runs out I will take kanji from this list. When this list runs out I will fast forward through the rest I guess. Or maybe I'll slow down to 1 per day. I'll burn that bridge when I come to it.

Current position in queue (2025-03-09): 80

Queued in inbox (2025-03-09): 179

kj cp posn meaning
4EBA 1 person
4E00 2 one
65E5 3 Sunday, day
5927 4 big
5E74 5 year
4E2D 8 middle
5206 14 minute
751F 15 life
4E8C 20 two
6642 24 hour, time
5341 27 ten
4E09 30 three
5C0F 35 small
6708 49 Monday, month
4E94 75 five
91D1 79 Friday, metal
56DB 103 four
4E5D 137 nine
516B 144 eight
6C34 146 Wednesday, water
6728 162 Thursday, wood
516D 173 six
4E07 193 ten thousand
4E03 199 seven
5186 208 yen
767E 279 hundred
571F 284 Saturday, earth
5343 307 thousand
706B 465 Tuesday, fire
79D2 1627 second
kj cp posn meaning
65B9 33 way
6771 110 east
西 897F 146 west
5317 232 north
60F3 302 idea
5357 378 south
5A18 612 daughter
90F7 914 hometown
602A 1114 skeptical
5E7B 1338 illusion
5996 1814 bewitching
kj cp posn meaning
5FC3 63 heart
5B9F 66 fruit
866B 142 insect
7C73 308 rice
679C 314 result
82B1 436 flower
670D 555 clothing
8679 2388 rainbow
kj cp posn meaning
767D 196 white
8272 269 color
9ED2 415 black
9752 449 blue
8D64 482 red
8336 571 tea
9EC4 1003 yellow
83DC 1101 vegetable
8C46 1185 bean
7DD1 1293 green
7D2B 1459 purple
7070 1538 gray, ash
6843 1628 peach tree
6A59 3400 orange
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