#All commands should start with mentioning the bot (@SFCJbot)
help - links to the GitHub page so the user can see the README
games - lists the games SFCJbot offers and their shorthand aliases
aliases - lists the games SFCJbot offers and their shorthand aliases
queue [game] - adds you to the queue for [game]
unqueue [game] - removes you from the queue for [game]
afk - changes your status to afk (so the bot won't ping you)
here - changes your status to here (so the bot will ping you)
match [game] - pings everyone queued up for [game] that's here. Or use match without mentioning a game to match a random game you're queued for!
describe [name] - tells you what games [user] is queued up for. Don't mention them, just type their name.
set challonge [name] - tell the bot your Challonge username so it can ping you for pairings when a tournament starts!
mod-only commands:
addgame [game] - lets the bot recognize [game] as a valid game.
alias [alias] to mean [game] - lets the bot recognize [alias] as an alias for [game]
removegame [game] - removes a game and probably makes players sad!
removealias [alias] - removes an alias.