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Stack Manager README


The Stack Manager script helps you manage multiple stack environments by facilitating initialization, environment variable merging, Docker Compose file rendering, and managing stack deployment lifecycles. The Stack Manager provides commands for creating stack templates, merging environment variables, building and running stacks, and stopping them.

Why Use Shell Instead of Taskfile?

The Stack Manager script is implemented in shell rather than using other tools like Taskfile due to a specific bug in Taskfile's shell implementation. This bug affects the handling of associative arrays, making it necessary to use external shell scripting for reliability. Additionally, using shell provides greater flexibility for environment management tasks.

Prerequisite: Gomplate

The gomplate templating tool is required for rendering configuration files. Please ensure it is installed before using the Stack Manager.

Why This Setup?

This setup allows for stack-specific customization, which often includes the need for templating environment variables and configuration files. The Stack Manager ensures that common and stack-specific settings can be easily managed and applied across different environments.

Commands and Usage


The init command initializes the environment setup by creating necessary directories, configuration files, and templates.

./ init
  • Prompts:
    • Application data directory (default: app_data).
    • Stacks directory (default: stacks).
  • Creates:
    • app.conf: Configuration file containing APP_DIR and STACKS_DIR paths.
    • .gitignore: Configured to ignore runtime directories (APP_DIR and STACKS_DIR).
    • global.env: Global environment variables template.
    • .stackignore: File to ignore certain stacks during operations.
    • docker-compose.yml.tmpl: Default Docker Compose template for creating stack-specific configurations.

Creating Stack Templates

The create_template command generates a prototype directory in STACKS_DIR for a stack. The user can manually modify this directory before deployment.

./ create_template -s <STACK>
  • Creates:
    • Stack-specific design template directory in STACKS_DIR.
    • Template files such as .env.tmpl, docker-compose.yml.tmpl, .gitignore, and

Environment Merging Logic

The merge command merges global.env variables into each stack's .env file.

./ merge -s <STACK>


  1. Global Variables: Reads all key-value pairs in global.env into an associative array, global_vars, excluding comments and empty lines.
  2. Existing Stack Variables: Reads each line of the stack's .env file (OUTPUT_ENV) into an array, env_lines.
  3. Backup: If .env exists and --force is set, a backup (.env.backup) is created.
  4. Merge Process:
    • Global Variables Addition: Appends all key-value pairs from global.env to the top of the new .env, marking them as global.
    • Stack-Specific Variables: Iterates through env_lines, preserving stack-specific entries. If a key in .env exists in global.env, it is commented out with # and noted as "Existed in global.env."


  • No Nested Variable Expansion: Variables in global.env that reference others (e.g., DOMAIN2=$DOMAIN) are not expanded.
  • Duplicate Keys: If global.env and the stack .env file share keys, the stack’s .env version is retained and commented out.
  • No Live Updates: The merged .env file is static and reflects the state at merge time. Changes in global.env require re-running merge for updates.

Build Process

The build command creates or updates the Docker Compose configuration (docker-compose.yml) and other stack-specific template files based on global.env and each stack's .env.

./ build -s <STACK>

Build Steps

  1. Environment Merge: Runs the merge command to ensure the latest global and stack-specific environment variables are present in the stack’s .env file.
  2. Docker Compose Rendering:
    • Checks if docker-compose.yml.tmpl exists in the stack directory.
    • If it exists and docker-compose.yml does not, it uses gomplate to render docker-compose.yml from docker-compose.yml.tmpl, substituting variables defined in .env.
    • The output file, docker-compose.yml, contains resolved variables for Docker Compose to use directly.
  3. Data Template Rendering:
    • If a data.tmpl directory exists, each .tmpl file within it is processed individually.
    • gomplate renders each .tmpl file, outputting the result into a data directory with the same filename but without the .tmpl extension.
    • Variable substitution is based on values in .env.
  4. Force Option:
    • When --force is specified, it overwrites any existing docker-compose.yml and rendered files in data/.


  • Static Rendering: Files are rendered at build time, so changes in .env or global.env require re-running build to update docker-compose.yml and data templates.
  • Missing Templates: If no .env or template files are present, build generates nothing but completes without errors, requiring correct setup beforehand.
  • Gomplate Not Tested: The use of gomplate for rendering has not been thoroughly tested in all use cases.

Running and Stopping Stacks

  • Run a Stack: Starts the Docker Compose services for a specific stack or all stacks that are not ignored.

    ./ run -s <STACK>
  • Stop a Stack: Stops the running services for a specific stack or all stacks.

    ./ stop -s <STACK>

Ignoring Stacks

The ignore command adds a stack to .stackignore, ensuring that it is ignored in future operations like merge, build, run, or stop.

./ ignore -s <STACK>

Listing Stacks

The list command lists all runtime stacks in APP_DIR, indicating whether each stack is ignored or not.

./ list

Summary of Commands

  • init: Initializes directories, configuration files, and templates.
  • create_template: Creates a prototype stack directory in STACKS_DIR.
  • merge: Merges global environment variables into each stack’s .env file.
  • build: Builds Docker Compose and other templates based on merged environment variables.
  • run: Starts Docker Compose services for one or all stacks.
  • stop: Stops running Docker Compose services.
  • ignore: Adds a stack to .stackignore to be ignored in operations.
  • list: Lists all stacks in APP_DIR and their ignore status.

Example Usage

# Initialize environment
./ init

# Create a new stack template
./ create_template -s my_stack

# Merge environment variables
./ merge -s my_stack

# Build the stack
./ build -s my_stack

# Run the stack
./ run -s my_stack

# Stop the stack
./ stop -s my_stack

# Ignore the stack
./ ignore -s my_stack

# List all stacks
./ list

Limitations and Future Improvements

  • Proxy Implementation:
    • Implement a proxy setup with Authentik, Traefik, and Whoami to handle authentication and reverse proxy needs effectively.
  • Per-Stack Customization:
    • Implement per-stack customization using a Taskfile for managing stack-specific actions.
    • Shell Script for Workaround: The customization logic uses a shell script instead of a Taskfile due to a bug with associative arrays in Taskfile's Go shell, making shell scripting a more reliable choice for this functionality.
  • Static Environment Files:
    • The .env files can be modified manually and are dynamic in that sense. However, changes in global.env or the need for additional flexibility may require re-running merge or other commands to propagate updates.
  • Gomplate Not Tested:
    • The use of gomplate for rendering templates has not been extensively tested and may need further validation in different environments.

Working Notes

add this for external network for proxying.

    external: true
    name: "${NETWORK_ID}"


stack manager for docker homelab







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