A compilation of the best multi-agent papers
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A compilation of the best multi-agent papers by the Swarms Team. Our mission is to democratize multi-agent systems to automate the world economy with agents and usher in a post-scarcity Human civilization. Join our community now!
- [Paper Name] ([PDF PAPER LINK ]) bibtex short name
K-Level Reasoning with Large Language Models, zhang2024240201521
More agents is all you need,li2024240205120
LongAgent: Scaling Language Models to 128k Context through Multi-Agent Collaboration , zhao2024240211550
Automated Unit Test Improvement using Large Language Models , alshahwan2024240209171
Human-level play in the game of Diplomacy by combining language models with strategic reasoning
AgentScope: A Flexible yet Robust Multi-Agent Platform , gao2024240214034
Experiential Co-Learning of Software-Developing Agents,qian2023231217025
ChatDev: Communicative Agents for Software Development, qian2023230707924
Wisdom of the Silicon Crowd: LLM Ensemble Prediction Capabilities Match Human Crowd Accuracy, schoenegger2024240219379
Generative Agents: Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior park2023230403442
Are More LLM Calls All You Need? Towards Scaling Laws of Compound Inference Systems, chen2024240302419
Learning to Decode Collaboratively with Multiple Language Models, shen2024240303870
Chatbot Arena: An Open Platform for Evaluating LLMs by Human Preference, chiang2024240304132
SOTOPIA-$π$: Interactive Learning of Socially Intelligent Language Agents, wang2024240308715
Mora: Enabling Generalist Video Generation via A Multi-Agent Framework, yuan2024240313248
AIOS: LLM Agent Operating System, mei2024240316971
MAGIS: LLM-Based Multi-Agent Framework for GitHub Issue Resolution, tao2024240317927
AllHands: Ask Me Anything on Large-scale Verbatim Feedback via Large Language Models, zhang2024240315157
Scaling Instructable Agents Across Many Simulated Worlds, team2024240410179
Evolutionary Optimization of Model Merging Recipes, akiba2024240313187
Replacing Judges with Juries: Evaluating LLM Generations with a Panel of Diverse Models, verga2024240418796
Agent Hospital: A Simulacrum of Hospital with Evolvable Medical Agents, li2024240502957
AutoGen: Enabling Next-Gen LLM Applications via Multi-Agent Conversation, wu2023230808155
Chain of Agents: Large Language Models Collaborating on Long-Context Tasks, zhang2024240602818
CulturePark: Boosting Cross-cultural Understanding in Large Language Models, li2024240515145
Constitutional AI: Harmlessness from AI Feedback, bai2022221208073
Mobile-Agent-v2: Mobile Device Operation Assistant with Effective Navigation via Multi-Agent Collaboration, wang2024240601014
Mixture-of-Agents Enhances Large Language Model Capabilities, wang2024240604692
AgentGym: Evolving Large Language Model-based Agents across Diverse Environments, xi2024240604151
CodeR: Issue Resolving with Multi-Agent and Task Graphs, chen2024240601304
EvoAgent: Towards Automatic Multi-Agent: Generation via Evolutionary Algorithms, yuan2024240614228
Scaling Synthetic Data Creation with 1,000,000,000 Personas, ge2024240620094
(Perhaps) Beyond Human Translation: Harnessing Multi-Agent Collaboration for Translating Ultra-Long Literary Texts, wu2024240511804
RouteLLM: An Open-Source Framework for Cost-Effective LLM Routing, ong2024240618665
On scalable oversight with weak LLMs judging strong LLMs, kenton2024240704622
AgentInstruct: Toward Generative Teaching with Agentic Flows, mitra2024240703502
Cooperate or Collapse: Emergence of Sustainable Cooperation in a Society of LLM Agents, piatti2024240416698
Very Large-Scale Multi-Agent Simulation in AgentScope, pan2024240717789
Cooperate or Collapse: Emergence of Sustainable Cooperation in a Society of LLM Agents , piatti2024cooperatecollapseemergencesustainable
Internet of Agents: Weaving a Web of Heterogeneous Agents for Collaborative Intelligence, chen2024240707061
LAMBDA: A Large Model Based Data Agent, sun2024240717535
Diffusion Augmented Agents: A Framework for Efficient Exploration and Transfer Learning, palo2024240720798
From Text to Life: On the Reciprocal Relationship between Artificial Life and Large Language Models, nisioti2024240709502
Mindstorms in Natural Language-Based Societies of Mind, zhuge2023230517066
Large Language Model Cascades with Mixture of Thoughts Representations for Cost-efficient Reasoning, yue2023231003094
ChatEval: Towards Better LLM-based Evaluators through Multi-Agent Debate, chan2023230807201
From LLMs to LLM-based Agents for Software Engineering: A Survey of Current, Challenges and Future, jin2024240802479
Optimus-1: Hybrid Multimodal Memory Empowered Agents Excel in Long-Horizon Tasks, li2024240803615
The AI Scientist: The world’s first AI system for automating scientific research and open-ended discovery!, lu2024240806292
CodexGraph: Bridging Large Language Models and Code Repositories via Code Graph Databases, liu2024240803910
Diversity Empowers Intelligence: Integrating Expertise of Software Engineering Agents, zhang2024240807060
Automated Design of Agentic Systems, hu2024240808435
The Fellowship of the LLMs: Multi-Agent Workflows for Synthetic Preference Optimization Dataset Generation, arif2024240808688
MEDCO: Medical Education Copilots Based on A Multi-Agent Framework, wei2024240812496
Agentic Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Time Series Analysis, ravuru2024240814484
Optimizing Collaboration of LLM based Agents for Finite Element, tian2024240813406
BreachSeek: A Multi-Agent Automated Penetration Tester, alshehri2024240903789
SciAgents: Automating scientific discovery through multi-agent intelligent graph reasoning, ghafarollahi2024240905556
Large Language Model-Based Agents for Software Engineering: A Survey, liu2024240902977
SciAgents: Automating scientific discovery through multi-agent intelligent graph reasoning
AutoSafeCoder: A Multi-Agent Framework for Securing LLM Code Generation through Static Analysis and Fuzz Testing, nunez2024240910737
Improving LLM Reasoning with Multi-Agent Tree-of-Thought Validator Agent, haji2024240911527,
LLM-Agent-UMF: LLM-based Agent Unified Modeling Framework for Seamless Integration of Multi Active/Passive Core-Agents, assouna2024240911393
Minstrel: Structural Prompt Generation with Multi-Agents Coordination for Non-AI Experts, wang2024240913449
Can Large Language Models Grasp Legal Theories? Enhance Legal Reasoning with Insights from Multi-Agent Collaboration, yuan2024241002507
FanCric: Multi-Agentic Framework for Crafting Fantasy 11 Cricket Teams, bhatnagar2024241001307
RGD: Multi-LLM Based Agent Debugger via Refinement and Generation Guidance, jin2024241001242
Agents' Room: Narrative Generation through Multi-step Collaboration, huot2024241002603
GenSim: A General Social Simulation Platform with Large Language Model based Agents, tang2024241004360
Adversarial Multi-Agent Evaluation of Large Language Models through Iterative Debates, bandi2024241004663
Large Language Models can Achieve Social Balance, cisneros-velarde2024241004054
AutoML-Agent: A Multi-Agent LLM Framework for Full-Pipeline AutoML, trirat2024241002958
Multi-Agent Collaborative Data Selection for Efficient LLM Pretraining, bai2024241008102
Optima: Optimizing Effectiveness and Efficiency for LLM-Based Multi-Agent System, chen2024241008115
Model Swarms: Collaborative Search to Adapt LLM Experts via Swarm Intelligence
Agent-as-a-Judge: Evaluate Agents with Agents, zhuge2024241010934
AutoKaggle: A Multi-Agent Framework for Autonomous Data Science Competitions, li2024241020424
AFlow: Automating Agentic Workflow Generation, zhang2024241010762
Agents Thinking Fast and Slow: A Talker-Reasoner Architecture, christakopoulou2024241008328
AgentClinic: a multimodal agent benchmark to evaluate AI in simulated clinical environments, schmidgall2024agentclinicmultimodalagentbenchmark
DynaSaur: Large Language Agents Beyond Predefined Actions, nguyen2024241101747
LLMs as Method Actors: A Model for Prompt Engineering and Architecture, doyle2024llmsmethodactorsmodel
DataLab: A Unifed Platform for LLM-Powered Business Intelligence, schmidgall2024agentclinicmultimodalagentbenchmark
Cultural Evolution of Cooperation among LLM Agents, vallinder2024culturalevolutioncooperationllm
Proposer-Agent-Evaluator(PAE): Autonomous Skill Discovery For Foundation Model Internet Agents, zhou2024proposeragentevaluatorpaeautonomousskilldiscovery
SDPO: Segment-Level Direct Preference Optimization for Social Agents, kong2025sdposegmentleveldirectpreference
BoxingGym: Benchmarking Progress in Automated Experimental Design and Model Discovery, gandhi2025boxinggymbenchmarkingprogressautomated
TheAgentCompany: Benchmarking LLM Agents on Consequential Real World Tasks, xu2024theagentcompanybenchmarkingllmagents
When One LLM Drools, Multi-LLM Collaboration Rules, eng2025llmdroolsmultillmcollaboration
PC-Agent: A Hierarchical Multi-Agent Collaboration Framework for Complex Task Automation on PC, liu2025pcagenthierarchicalmultiagentcollaboration
Talk Structurally, Act Hierarchically: A Collaborative Framework for LLM Multi-Agent Systems, wang2025talkstructurallyacthierarchically
In the arxiv_bibtex.bib file, you can find the bibtex citations for all the papers in this repository.
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