StreamSense helps you discover and enjoy live game streams by providing personalized recommendations and an intuitive search experience.
Visit StreamSense: StreamSense
- Authentication: Register, login, and logout capabilities to secure user profiles.
- Content Discovery: Search for games to view corresponding live streams, videos, and clips.
- Top Games: Access a list of top games currently trending on Twitch.
- Favorite Game Resources: Mark streams, videos, or clips as favorites and review your favorites history.
- Recommendations: Receive stream and content recommendations based on your preferences.
Explore screenshots from StreamSense showcasing each of our core features:
Search interface for finding live streams, videos, and clips of games.
View the list of top trending games sourced from Twitch.
Interface for users to mark and delete their favorite streams, videos, and clips.
Interface for users to review their favorite streams, videos, and clips.
Personalized game and stream recommendations based on user preferences.
- Spring Boot (Java): Backend development framework and primary programming language.
- MySQL with AWS RDS: Database for user and application data hosted on AWS.
- Docker: Simplifies deployment for efficient containerization.
- React (HTML, CSS, JavaScript): JavaScript library and core technologies for building the frontend.
- Node.js: JavaScript runtime environment for network applications.
- Ant Design: UI framework for designing responsive user interfaces.
- AWS Service:
- ECR: Container registry for storing Docker images.
- App Runner: Manages deployment of containerized applications.
- Caffeine: Caching library for performance optimization.
- Session-based Authentication: Secures user sessions and data.
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