This is a project about talking faces. We use288X288 sized facial images for training, which can generate720p, 1080p, 2k Digital Humanhuman videos. We have done the following work:
- Add video cutting codes.
- Add filelists to generate code.
- Trained 600 people, 30 hours, and over 30000 pieces of data.
- Open sourced the checkpoint for a discriminator with 150000 steps and a val_rass of 0.28.
- Open sourced a checkpoint for a generator with 360000 steps and a val_rass of 0.25.
- Dear friends, you can load pre training weights for easy subsequent training.
Video | Project Page | Code
checkpoints for wav2lip_288x288
For the wav2lip series, we will continue to train and release higher definition weights in the future. The plan is as follows: Pre training checkpoints for wav2lip_288x288 will be released in January 2025. Pre training checkpoints for wav2lip_384x384 will be released in February 2025. Pre training checkpoints for wav2lip_576x576 or 512x512 will be released in June 2025.
Thank the two authors, Thank you for their wonderful work.
This repositories made by langzizhixin from Langzizhixin Technology company 2025.1.1 , in Chengdu, China . The above code and weights can only be used for personal/research/non-commercial purposes. If you need a higher definition model, please contact me by email [email protected] , or add WeChat for communication: langzizhixinkeji