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Andrea edited this page Dec 7, 2017 · 1 revision

Welcome to the LAS Admin scripts Wiki!

Hello there!

Today's LAS is a huge modular project and has been changing over time. The designs of the modules reflect such an evolution of the system. We will work in the next future to a normalization of the modules and to a rationalization of the whole platform. During this restyling, we will provide some admin pages in order to manage the initialization of data (e.g., a medical centers, projects, etc.). Besides, we plan to upgrade the system to the latest version of Django an to Python 3.

In the meanwhile, data must be placed in the right place to make the system work properly. We have created a couple of scripts for simplifying that kind of tasks.

Further information in the pages of this Wiki.


The standard installation of the LAS is based on two virtualenvs:

  • ~/.virtualenvs/venvdj1.4 (for Django 1.4)
  • ~/.virtualenvs/venvdj1.7 (for Django 1.7)

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