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A higher quality version can be found here

The fork is adding color to the output when listing the aliases and environment variables, as well as creating an IndexMap that will shorten directory names based off of common environment variables.

Table of Contents


Rualdi allows you to create aliases for directories and provides an encapsulation of the builtin cd command for easy change of the working directory. You can also add environment variable which points on an alias. All variables sourced in your environment are prefixed by RAD_.

Inspired by zoxide code.


rada workdir           # Add current directory with workdir as alias
rada www /var/www      # Add /var/www directory with www as alias
rada stuff ~/stuff     # Works with home tilde alias

radax workdir          # Add current directory with workdir as alias
                       # and add environment variable named RAD_WORKDIR
                       # in current environment and in configuration file

radax workdir . wd     # Add current directory with workdir as alias
                       # and add environment variable named RAD_WD
                       # in current environment and to the configuration file

radx workdir wd        # Add environment variable named RAD_WD which points
                       # on alias workdir in current environment
                       # and to the configuration file

radx workdir           # Add environment variable named RAD_WORKDIR
                       # which points on alias workdir in current environment
                       # and to the configuration file

radxn workdir wd       # Add environment variable named RAD_WD which points
                       # on alias workdir in current environment
                       # without adding it to the configuration file

rad www/some-site      # Perform cd in /var/www/some-site
rad -                  # Go back to previous directory by cd'ing to it
rad -4                 # With zsh, this acts as a pushd wrapper

radr workdir           # Remove workdir alias and environment variable associated if exists
radr www stuff         # Works with multiple aliases at same time

radrx workdir          # Remove environment variable which points on alias workdir

radl                   # List aliases and environment variables

radf                   # List directories with fzf and cd to selection
                       # There are several more options with this function explained below

Getting started

Step 1: Installing rualdi

From Cargo registry

cargo install rualdi -f

From source

For this fork, install it this way

cargo build --release
cp target/release/rualdi <path>

Where <path> is the path where you store your binaries.

On Debian

From source
cargo install cargo-deb
cargo deb
sudo dpkg -i /target/debian/rualdi_<version>_<arch>.deb
From .deb pre-built released

You can download a pre-compiled .deb package from the releases page and add run:

sudo dpkg -i /target/debian/rualdi_<version>_<arch>.deb

Other (via pre-compiled binary) GitHub releases

Alternatively, you can also download a pre-compiled binary from the releases page and add it to your PATH.

Step 2: Adding rualdi to your shell

Currently only bash and zsh are supported.


Add the following line to your ~/.bashrc:

eval "$(rualdi init bash)"


Add the following line to your ~/.zshrc:

eval "$(rualdi init zsh)"


init flags

  • --cmd: change the rad command (and corresponding aliases) to something else.

Environment variables

  • $_RAD_ALIASES_DIR: directory where rualdi will store its aliases configuration file (default: platform-specific; see the [dirs-next documentation] for more information)
  • $_RAD_NO_ECHO: when set to 1, rad will not print the matched directory before navigating to it
  • $_RAD_RESOLVE_SYMLINKS: when set to 1, rad will resolve symlinks before print the matched directory.

[colors] section

The default colors that are used are the following, and can be found in the $_RAD_ALIASES_DIR/rualdi.toml file.

name = "bright yellow"
separator = "bright cyan"
path = "magenta"

The available colors are:

  • red, bright red
  • yellow, bright yellow
  • green, bright green
  • blue, bright blue
  • cyan, bright cyan
  • magenta, bright magenta
  • white, bright white
  • black, bright black

[alias_map] section

Sometimes the paths can get fairly long, so it is possible to create a hash (really an IndexMap) that will map common paths to something like the following:

/Users/user/.config/zsh/zsh.d = %ZDOTDIR/zsh.d

It can be configured in rualdi.toml, and it is possible to use both a tilde (~) and environment variables. The left-side is what will be prefixed with a % and displayed.

NOTE: It is wise to create the hash with the most specific variables at the beginning, and the least specific variables at the end.

XDG_CONFIG_HOME = "/Users/user/.config"
XDG_CACHE_HOME = "~/.cache"
XDG_DATA_HOME = "${HOME}/.local/share"

There are already several of these mappings that are ready to be implemented and can be turn on with any of the three:

use_default = "on"
use_default = "1" # Must be a string
use_default = "yes"

fzf integration


  • fzf

The command radf (or <your_cmd>f) provides a way to use rualdi like formarks (a zsh plugin), which allows one to display the directory aliases with fzf and then cd to the selection.

No arguments

# A query here is optional
radf <query>

pushd wrapper

# This can be any digit
radf -3

Recently visited directories

# A query here is optional
radf -d <query>

rad wrapper

# Will also go back to most recently visited directory
radf -
rad -

# If query is an exact match with an alias, then it's the same behavior as `rad`
radf <query>


As of now, only zsh completions are available. This works the best with fzf-tab, which completes your command with fzf when using <TAB>


This command prints the completions to stdout, so it can be redirected to file file and placed in your fpath. These completions only work with the actual rualdi binary, and therefore will not work with the aliases that are set because they are all individual functions.

To get completions for the aliases, move the file completions/_rualdi_funcs into your fpath as well.

rualdi completions shell zsh > _rualdi


Subcommand Aliases

Another way to use rualdi is to set rualdi itself to an alias, and use each subcommands' own alias.

For example, in your .zshrc or .bashrc, place alias r="rualdi". Then use the following aliases:

r a    # rualdi add
r ax   # rualdi add-env
r i    # rualdi init
r l    # rualdi list
r la   # rualdi list-alias
r lx   # rualdi list-env
r r    # rualdi remove
r rx   # rualdi remove-env
r res  # rualdi resolve
r resx # rualdi resolve-env

r comp # rualdi completions

Documentation for Crates


Rust Aliasing Directory







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