Set VS Code to default to 4-space tabs for indentation like SciTe
Output window overhaul (thanks to @vanowm ), including:
Additional colors
Multiple output panels
An encoding option
Options to keep output from previous runs
Options to show process ID and times
Option to show #regions as symbols in Outline and symbol search (thanks to @Danp2 )
Syntax highlighting for Au3Stripper directives (thanks to rcmaehl )
Adds a wait for file save to finish before running certain commands (thanks to @vanowm )
Support for Sticky Scroll
Symbols nest in the Outline
SmartHelp options that allow launching of help files (e.g., CHM) for UDFs (thanks to @Danp2 )
Tidy now runs through AutoItWrapper (thanks to @vanowm )
MsgBox/Console debugging line generation improved (thanks to @Danp2 )
Paths to AutoIt executables can now be relative to the AutoIt executable in settings (Thanks to @Danp2 )
Syntax highlighting for #include lines followed by comments (thanks to @Danp2 )
Makes regex for #include non-greedy (thanks to @Danp2 )
Limits header insertion and include opening to be limited to AutoIt scripts (thanks to @vanowm )
You can’t perform that action at this time.