The simpliest way to use this Starter is to use__ npm package pingue-cli. Github page of pingue-cli
Javascript custom starter kit that includes:
Webpack 2, TypeScript 2, Istanbul, Mocha, Karma, @types, TsLint, Handlebars.
To start using this seed you need to clone or download it first.
# clone to your own project directory
git clone [email protected]:lomboboo/webpack2-typescript-seed.git project-name
# remove .git directory and initialize git on your own
cd project-name
rm -rf ./.git
git init
# then inside project directory install dependencies with npm
npm install
# to start develop run :
npm start
# you can access app from http://localhost:8000
# to make build from the project run:
npm run build
# to run tests use:
npm run test
Schema of the project file structure:
├──config/ * configuration
│ ├──helper.js * helper functions: ex., root() for getting root of the project
│ ├──karma.conf.js * karma config for unit tests
│ ├── * webpack development config
│ ├── * webpack production config
│ └──webpack.test.js * webpack testing config
├──src/ * our source files that will be compiled to javascript
│ ├──app/ * application directory, for applicaton files and test files
│ │
│ ├──partials/ * partial files: ex., header.hbs, footer.hbs
│ │
│ └──public/ * static assets
│ │ ├──css/ * css for 3-rd party libraries: ex., animate.css
│ │ ├──font/ * fonts go here
│ │ ├──img/ * project static images
│ │ └──meta/ * meta data: ex., favicons
│ │
│ └──stylesheets/ * less files for styling
├──.editorconfig * basic rules for different IDE
├──.gitignore * files and directories to be ignored by GIT
├──LICENCE * Licence information
├──mocha.setup.js * //TODO
├──postcss.config.js * //TODO: delete
├── * read to start using repo
├──tsconfig.json * typescript config used outside webpack
├──tslint.json * typescript lint config
└──webpack.common.config.js * webpack common configuration file, used by different environments
Configuration files live in config/ . Current version can configure webpack and karma settings for different environments. Webpack in configured to include 3-rd party libraries into separate vendor.js file. To do that just add 3-rd party libraries to
entry: {
vendor: [ ..., "your-library" ]
in webpack.common.config.js
Project uses Bootstrap 4 and bootstrap-loader, which is flexible to configure by editing .bootstraprc
file in the root directory. For simplicity most of the Bootstrap 4 featues were disabled in the .bootstraprc
file. Fell free to configure it as you wish.
To add new page just add another in the webpack.common.config.js
file under the plugins
like so:
plugins: [
new HtmlWebpackPlugin( {
filename: 'new-page.html',
chunks: [ "common", "vendor", "bootstrap", "manifest", "about" ],
template: help.root( "src/new-page.hbs" )
} ),
You can also redefine basic variables in the config/bootstrap-pre-customizations.scss
file. For fulll reference read the docs.
When including 3-rd party modules or libraries you should also install their type definitions with @types like so:
npm install @types/lodash
npm install @types/jquery
npm install @types/moment
Another helpful thing is that you can access global Node variable when developing, building for production or testing app.
During development (npm start) you can access
const ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV
will be equal to 'dev'
When you build application for production process.env.NODE_ENV
will be equal to 'prod'
For tests process.env.NODE_ENV
will have value of 'test'
- tslint - add advanced rules, look reference
- tests - configuration for E2E tests