This is the repository for the class Project in Machine Learning.
R/download-data.R: Download raw csv data files to the data directory.
R/wrangle-data.R: Create derived data set, handle missing values and save as R objects in rdas directory.
R/exploratory-analysis.R: Create some plots and save to the figs directory.
R/linear-model.R: Model the data using linear models.
R/gam-model.R: Model the data using GAM models.
R/arbes.R: Model the data using CART models.
R/sarima model.R: Model the data using SARIMA models.
R/random-forest.R: Model the data using Random Forest models.
R/boosting.R: Model the data using Boosting Tree models.
R/aggregation.R: Model the data using aggregation of experts EWA model