Implementation of YOLO object detection pipeline using tensorflow. YOLO is a real time object detection method. It treats both object detection and localisation as regression problems. This is in contrast to previous object detection pipelines such as R-CNN, which had seperate entities for detection and localisation and were far more complicated to fine tune/train. More on YOLO here.
As of now, YOLO v2 is out. Check it out here.
Make sure that weight file is present in weights directory. Currently there are three modes, all pertaining to test the pre-trained model.
- 'testDB' - Tests the code on a database. ( PASCAL VOC 2007, 2012, MS-COCO ). Keep in mind the model has been trained on PASCAL VOC 2007+2012. So any other dataset would require training. As this has not been implemented yet, darkflow may help.
- 'testLive' - Tests from a live Webcam feed.
- 'testFile' - Tests on a single image.
By default, it runs on 'testLive' mode.
Class Name | Ground Truth | Predicted | True Positive | False Positive | Avg. Precision |
aeroplane | 311 | 213 | 141 | 72 | 0.55494075262829001 |
bicycle | 389 | 237 | 157 | 80 | 0.56105639251746608 |
bird | 576 | 359 | 184 | 175 | 0.42433899865958929 |
boat | 393 | 213 | 77 | 136 | 0.24679748475368918 |
bottle | 657 | 128 | 33 | 95 | 0.17272727272727273 |
bus | 254 | 168 | 117 | 51 | 0.54621080695222668 |
car | 1541 | 925 | 436 | 489 | 0.34186953795331443 |
cat | 370 | 322 | 250 | 72 | 0.67658801636799115 |
chair | 1374 | 420 | 102 | 318 | 0.12245608573113981 |
cow | 329 | 204 | 66 | 138 | 0.17318304265255621 |
diningtable | 299 | 160 | 114 | 46 | 0.6494860956834515 |
dog | 530 | 422 | 299 | 123 | 0.63538308205967287 |
horse | 395 | 279 | 209 | 70 | 0.63316214093397671 |
motorbike | 369 | 228 | 140 | 88 | 0.48458388143892261 |
person | 5227 | 3319 | 1166 | 2153 | 0.23070649513423477 |
pottedplant | 592 | 200 | 53 | 147 | 0.17236723672367235 |
sheep | 311 | 172 | 44 | 128 | 0.16292819499341238 |
sofa | 396 | 141 | 105 | 36 | 0.6494177280693908 |
train | 302 | 255 | 191 | 64 | 0.66130285346624584 |
tvmonitor | 361 | 209 | 133 | 76 | 0.54199124564843304 |
- Tenseflow 1.0
- OpenCV 2
- Python 2
- Pre-trained weights
- Complete the mean-Average Precision
- Document the code
- Add PASCAL VOC 2007 results to the readme
- Complete network training function