Welcome to the room price calculator! The tool is designed to help groups of people calculate how to split up rent between multiple rooms in a co-operative.
The app first asks you to enter the sum of rent you owe for all the rooms, and then the number of rooms there are. For example, say our rent is $1000 dollars, and we have 2 rooms
Rent = $1000
Rooms = 2
After that, you can add any number of attributes that you like to the calculator, and then weight each attribute in accordance with the proportion of rent that you would like it to account for. So in our current example, say we decide we have three attributes, Square Footage, Closets, and Privacy. We want square footage to account for 80% of rent, Closets to account for 10%, and Privacy accounts for another 10%. So the breakdown would look like:
Square Footage = 80% => $800
Closets = 10% => $100
Privacy = 10% => $100
Then, you can go in to each attribute and specify how many units of each attribute can be assigned to each room. The calculation is agnostic about what kind of units you use. So, for example, with square feet, you could say that Room A is 300sqft, and Room B is 100sqft. You would divide the number of units in each room by the total, derive a percent out of that, and then multiply that percentage by the attribute total, and you get the rooms portion for that attribute. So for example, for the square feet attribute
Room A = 300sqft => 300/400 => 0.75 => 0.75 x $800 => $600
Room B = 100sqft => 100/400 => 0.25 => 0.25 x $800 => $200
Total Units = 400
You do this for each attribute, and then the calculator lets you know how much everyone should pay for their respective rooms.
All roomates have to decide together is what weight to ascribe to each attribute, and what share of each attribute each room gets, and the calculator can do the rest.
Hope you enjoy!
Site is currently hosted via github pages at https://lukehtravis.github.io/room-price-calculator/
There is ci/cd setup through the gh pages configuration file at deploy.yml . Each pull request to main will trigger the battery of jest and cypress tests, and if they pass, will let you merge
We are using a combination of jest for unit tests, and cypress for integration tests. To run the jest tests, type npm test
into the terminal, and after it runs the first snapshot, type a
, and it will run all the unit tests.
To run cypress, type npx cypress open
, and that should start up the browser and run cypress on the application
The cypress file to run can be located at cypress/e2e/calculator.cy.js
You'll need to be running at least node 16 or above for best results.
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.
The page will reload when you make changes.
You may also see any lint errors in the console.
Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.
Builds the app for production to the build
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!
See the section about deployment for more information.