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My fancy GitHub Page is built with Jekyll and it is based on a custom theme derived from portfolYOU.

Main command

This is required to build the Page in local useful to quick prototyping (i.e., withouth merging the dev branch and waiting fro GitHub to compile).

bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload

The --livereload ensures that every time I save a file (except the _config.yml file!), it will reload the page.

Jekyll Installation

Install Ruby and other prerequisites (source):

sudo apt-get install ruby-full build-essential zlib1g-dev

Avoid installing RubyGems packages (called gems) as the root user. Instead, set up a gem installation directory for your user account. The following commands will add environment variables to your ~/.bashrc file to configure the gem installation path:

echo '# Install Ruby Gems to ~/gems' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export GEM_HOME="$HOME/gems"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/gems/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Finally, install Jekyll and Bundler:

gem install jekyll bundler

Instead of creating a new Gemfile (as described on the official documetation), I wiull use a custom theme which comes with it. At the end of the Gemfile, add this line (many thanks to Dalgiandro):

gem "webrick", "~> 1.8.1"

Then, in the folder where the Gemfile is located, run:


This will download all packages and dependencies automatically and you will end up with a Gemfile.lock file.

Download custom theme

Just follow the guide here.


The following steps demonstrate how to use portfolYOU as GitHub Pages remote theme.

  1. [Download][download] portfolYOU as .zip from official [repo][repo] then extract it.

  2. Rename portfolYOU-master/ to <your-username>

  3. Remove everything except the docs/ directory.

  4. Move the docs/ directory's content to the root directory <your-username>

  5. Remove documentation stuff:

    • _elements/
    • documentation/
    • _config.yml : any line commented as # For Documentation Only
  6. Your directory structure should be:

    ├── _data/
    ├── _posts/
    ├── _projects/
    ├── pages/
    ├── _config.yml
    ├── .gitignore
    └── Gemfile
  7. Update _config.yml with your data (follow the comments for more help).

  8. Update your site content (posts, projects and about page).

  9. Finally, test portfolYOU [locally][locally] then [publish][publish] it to [GitHub Pages][gh-pages].

  10. [Optional] To use a specific [version][versions] of portfolYOU (defaults to latest version):

    remote_theme: YoussefRaafatNasry/[email protected]

[repo]: {{ site.github.repository_url }} [download]: {{ site.github.zip_url }} [versions]: {{ site.github.releases_url }} [locally]: [publish]: [gh-pages]:


Simply override the file you want to change by matching the same file name and path.

Example 1: New Favicon

  1. Generate your own using favicon or any other tool.
  2. Copy your new favicon.ico file into your own project with the same file path assets/favicon.ico.

Example 2: Custom Style

  1. Create assets/css/style.scss.

  2. Add the following lines:

    /* Add your custom style here */
    @import "portfolYOU";

Adding contents

Local Projects

  1. Add or project-name.html to _projects/.

  2. Add front matter to the top of your new project file.

    name: Awesome Project
    tools: [Tool1, Tool2]
    image: image url or path here.
    description: Write project description here.
  3. Add project body in markdown or html. Check available [elements]({{ '/elements' | relative_url }}) to enjoy extra customization.

  4. Check more projects templates from [here]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/tree/master/docs/_projects).

Remote Projects

Remote Projects are imported automatically from GitHub. The name, description and topics are fetched from the given repository name. Note that the repository must be public and on your own account. To add a Remote Project, add the following lines to your existing front matter in pages/projects.html:

  - repo-name-1
  - repo-name-2


  1. Add to _posts/.

  2. Add front matter to the top of your new post file.

    title: Awesome Title
    tags: [TAG 1, TAG 2]
    style: fill / border (choose one only)
    color: primary / secondary / success / danger / warning / info / light / dark (choose one only)
    description: Write post description here, or it will be the first 25 words of the post's body.
  3. If you left both the style and color empty, the post's style is set to default style.

  4. Add post body in markdown or html. Check available [elements]({{ '/elements' | relative_url }}) to enjoy extra customization.

  5. Check more posts templates from [here]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/tree/master/docs/_posts).


  1. Add page-name.html or to pages/, new subfolder or to root directory of your project.

  2. Add front matter to the top of your new page.

    layout: default
    title: Page Name
    permalink: /page_permalink/ (the output path for the page)
    weight: 2 (the order of the page in the navigation bar)
  3. The new page will be added to the navigation bar automatically.

  4. Check more pages templates from [here]({{ site.github.repository_url }}/tree/master/docs/pages).

External Content

If you want your project, post or even the page to refer to an external resource, for example, just add the following attribute to your front matter:


💡 Pro Tip
You can change external_new_tab in _config.yml to make the external URLs open in a new tab.


Add the following lines to _data/programming-skills.yml or _data/other-skills.yml.

- name: Awesome Skill
  percentage: 95
  color: secondary / success / danger / warning / info / light / dark (choose one only, default is primary)

Skills Categories

  1. Add category_name-skills.yml to _data/.
  2. Add skills to the file using the previously mentioned method.
  3. Open pages/
  4. Add the following lines to the skills section between <div class="row"> and </div>:
{% raw %}{% include about/skills.html title="Category_Name Skills" %}{% endraw %}

Timeline Events

Add the following lines to _data/timeline.yml:

- title: Awesome Item
  from: 2016
  to: 2018
  description: Write item description here.

Social Networks

portfolYOU provides a good number of social networks, but if you want to add your own, go on.

  1. Add the following lines to _data/social-media.yml:

      url   :
      icon  : fab fa-icon      # From FontAwesome (
      color : 1da1f2           # Hex color code for hover
  2. Then add the following to _config under the author key:

      network_name : your_username_here
  3. The new network will be added to your footer automatically.

Customizing the landing page

  1. Create a _includes dir in the root folder (as here)
  2. Copy the landing.html file
  3. Modify it as you see fit

Adding another page

Simply create a .md in the root folder (better to put it in <root>/pages/), it will automatically appear in the menu. MAGIC!

Adding Acadimicons

  1. Download the icons from here.
  2. Extract the .zip and put the content in the assets/ folder.
  3. Insert this line at the start of footer.html, changing the version as it is fit.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./../assets/academicons-1.9.4/css/academicons.min.css">


My fancy GitHub Page






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