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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

better manual
better manual
Improvements or additions to documentation
better performance
better performance
Improvements to package performance
bug report
bug report
Something isn't working
code cleanup
code cleanup
Clean up code or interfaces
decision needed
decision needed
Decision needed
devel tools
devel tools
Development tools
duplicate issue
duplicate issue
This issue or pull request already exists
feature request
feature request
New feature or request
for contributors
for contributors
Simple issue for contributors
future plan 🚀
future plan :rocket:
Something for the future
help wanted
help wanted
Help wanted
invalid issue
invalid issue
This doesn't seem right
long term
long term
This will be kept open for a long time
next surprise
next surprise
Breaking change around the corner
other package
other package
Used with other packages
upstream defect
upstream defect
Not an issue of this package
v2022 surprise
v2022 surprise
Breaking change in version 2022
v2025 surprise
v2025 surprise
Breaking change in version 2025
wont change
wont change
This will not be worked on