This package provides a PyBullet-based simulation framework for generating and caching paths to high-manipulability configurations for robotic arms. It is designed to integrate with UR robots (or other manipulators with valid URDF) and supports path planning, inverse kinematics (IK) computation, and manipulability analysis.
- Inverse Kinematics Solutions: Compute IK solutions for end-effector approach positions and orientations sampled on a hemisphere surrounding the target point.
- Path Caching: Cache robot joint trajectories to manipulability-optimized configurations.
- Collision Checking: Avoid ground collisions and ensure safe trajectories.
- Manipulability Analysis: Evaluate and optimize configurations based on manipulability metrics.
- Workspace Sampling: Workspace voxelization is used to discretize and sample regions that are reachable by the robot.
- Simulation Visualization: Visualize the robot and simulation environment with PyBullet.
python -m pip install .