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Declarative Database Management - DDL Transpiler

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Declarative Database Management - DDL Transpiler

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Rosetta is a declarative data modeler and transpiler that converts database objects from one database to another. Define your database in DBML and rosetta generates the target DDL for you.

Rosetta utilizes JDBC to extract schema metadata from a database and generates declarative DBML models that can be used for conversion to alternate database targets.

Generate DDL from a given source and transpile to the desired target.

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This module will read the database structure from the source and map it to a target type. For example, source metadata was BigQuery and we want to convert it to Snowflake. This will be done with preset JSON files that contain mapping like in the following example:

  "version": "0.0.1",
  "converters": [
      "targetTypeName": "STRING",
      "length": 20,
      "compatibleTypes": [
          "typeName": "STRING"
      "targetTypeName": "INTEGER",
      "compatibleTypes": [
          "typeName": "INT64"

Currently, supported databases for translation are shown below in the table.

BigQuery Snowflake MySQL Postgres Kinetica Google Cloud Spanner
BigQuery / ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ❌
Snowflake ✅ / ✅ ✅ ✅ ❌
MySQL ✅ ✅ / ✅ ✅ ❌
Postgres âś… âś… âś… / âś… âś…
Kinetica ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ / ❌
Google Cloud Spanner ❌ ❌ ❌ ❌ ❌ /

Indices (Index)

Indices are supported in Google Cloud Spanner. An example on how they are represented in model.yaml

- name: "ExampleTable"
  type: "TABLE"
  schema: ""
  - name: "PRIMARY_KEY"
    schema: ""
    tableName: "ExampleTable"
    - "Id"
    - "UserId"
    nonUnique: false
    indexQualifier: ""
    type: 1
    ascOrDesc: "A"
    cardinality: -1
  - name: "IDX_ExampleTable_AddressId_299189FB00FDAFA5"
    schema: ""
    tableName: "ExampleTable"
    - "AddressId"
    nonUnique: true
    indexQualifier: ""
    type: 2
    ascOrDesc: "A"
    cardinality: -1
  - name: "TestIndex"
    schema: ""
    tableName: "ExampleTable"
    - "ClientId"
    - "DisplayName"
    nonUnique: true
    indexQualifier: ""
    type: 2
    ascOrDesc: "A"
    cardinality: -1

Getting Started


You need the JDBC drivers to connect to the sources/targets that you will use with the rosetta tool. The JDBC drivers for the rosetta supported databases can be downloaded from the following URLs:

Note: If you face one of the following errors with Google Cloud Spanner JDBC

java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver


java.lang.SecurityException: Invalid signature file digest for Manifest main attributes

you can fix it by running the following command where your driver is located:

zip -d google-cloud-spanner-jdbc-2.6.2-single-jar-with-dependencies.jar 'META-INF/.SF' 'META-INF/.RSA' 'META-INF/*SF'


Set the ENV variable ROSETTA_DRIVERS to point to the location of your JDBC drivers.

export ROSETTA_DRIVERS=<path_to_jdbc_drivers>


export ROSETTA_DRIVERS=/Users/adaptivescale/drivers/*

rosetta binary (Recommended)

  1. Download the rosetta binary for the supported OS (releases page).
  2. Unzip the downloaded file
  3. Run rosetta commands using ./rosetta which is located inside bin directory.
  4. On the first run it will create a directory for storing your JDBC drivers, if you haven't set already the ENV variable ROSETTA_DRIVERS from the previous step.

Setting Up the CLI JAR (Optional)

  1. Download the rosetta CLI JAR (releases page)
  2. Create an alias command
alias rosetta='java -cp "<path_to_our_cli_jar>:<path_to_our_drivers>" com.adaptivescale.rosetta.cli.Main'


alias rosetta='java -cp "/Users/adaptivescale/cli-1.0.0.jar:/Users/adaptivescale/drivers/*" com.adaptivescale.rosetta.cli.Main'

Note: If we are using the cli JAR file, we need to specify the location of the JDBC drivers (directory).

Build from the source (Optional)

gradle binary:runtimeZip

YAML Config File

Rosetta by default expects the YAML config file to be named main.conf and looks for it by default in the current folder. The configuration file can be overridden by using the --config, -c command line argument (see Command Line Arguments below for more details).

Here is the list of available configurations in the main.conf file:

  # The name of the connection
  - name: bigquery_prod
    # The name of the default database to use
    databaseName: bigquery-public-data
    # The name of the default schema to use
    schemaName: breathe
    # The type of the database
    dbType: bigquery
    # The connection uri for the database
    url: jdbc:bigquery://[Host]:[Port];ProjectId=[Project];OAuthType= [AuthValue];[Property1]=[Value1];[Property2]=[Value2];...
    # The name of the database user
    userName: user

    # The password of the database user
    password: password

    # The name of tables to include which is optional
      - table_one
      - table_two

In the YAML config file you can also use environment variables. An example usage of environment variables in config file:

  - name: snowflake_weather_prod
    schemaName: WEATHER
    dbType: snowflake
    url: jdbc:snowflake://<account_identifier><connection_params>
    userName: ${USER}
    password: ${PASSWORD}

Example connection string configurations for databases


url: jdbc:bigquery://;ProjectId=<PROJECT-ID>;AdditionalProjects=bigquery-public-data;OAuthType=0;OAuthServiceAcctEmail=<EMAIL>;OAuthPvtKeyPath=<SERVICE-ACCOUNT-PATH>


url: jdbc:snowflake://<HOST>:443/?db=<DATABASE>&user=<USER>&password=<PASSWORD>


url: jdbc:postgresql://<HOST>:5432/<DATABASE>?user=<USER>&password=<PASSWORD>


url: jdbc:mysql://<USER>:<PASSWORD>@<HOST>:3306/<DATABASE>


url: jdbc:kinetica:URL=http://<HOST>:9191;CombinePrepareAndExecute=1

Google Cloud Spanner

url: jdbc:cloudspanner:/projects/my-project/instances/my-instance/databases/my-db;credentials=/path/to/credentials.json

Google CLoud Spanner (Emulator)

url: jdbc:cloudspanner://localhost:9010/projects/test/instances/test/databases/test?autoConfigEmulator=true

Rosetta Commands

Available commands

  • init
  • extract
  • compile
  • dbt
  • diff
  • test
  • apply


This command will generate a project (directory) if specified, a default configuration file located in the current directory with example connections for bigquery and snowflake, and the model directory.

rosetta init [PROJECT_NAME]
Parameter Description
(Optional) PROJECT_NAME Project name (directory) where the configuration file and model directory will be created.


#example with 2 connections
  - name: snowflake_weather_prod
    schemaName: WEATHER
    dbType: snowflake
    url: jdbc:snowflake://<account_identifier><connection_params>
    userName: bob
    password: bobPassword
  - name: bigquery_prod
    databaseName: bigquery-public-data
    schemaName: breathe
    dbType: bigquery
    url: jdbc:bigquery://[Host]:[Port];ProjectId=[Project];OAuthType= [AuthValue];[Property1]=[Value1];[Property2]=[Value2];...
    userName: user
    password: password
      - bigquery_table


This is the command that extracts the schema from a database and generates declarative DBML models that can be used for conversion to alternate database targets.

rosetta [-c, --config CONFIG_FILE] extract [-h, --help] [-s, --source CONNECTION_NAME] [-t, --convert-to CONNECTION_NAME]
Parameter Description
-h, --help Show the help message and exit.
-c, --config CONFIG_FILE YAML config file. If none is supplied it will use main.conf in the current directory if it exists.
-s, --source CONNECTION_NAME The source connection name to extract schema from.
-t, --convert-to CONNECTION_NAME (Optional) The target connection name in which source DBML converts to.


safeMode: false
databaseType: bigquery
- name: "profiles"
  type: "TABLE"
  schema: "breathe"
  - name: "id"
    typeName: "INT64"
    jdbcDataType: "4"
    ordinalPosition: 0
    primaryKeySequenceId: 1
    columnDisplaySize: 10
    scale: 0
    precision: 10
    primaryKey: false
    nullable: false
    autoincrement: true
  - name: "name"
    typeName: "STRING"
    jdbcDataType: "12"
    ordinalPosition: 0
    primaryKeySequenceId: 0
    columnDisplaySize: 255
    scale: 0
    precision: 255
    primaryKey: false
    nullable: false
    autoincrement: false


This command generates a DDL for a target database based on the source DBML which was generated by the previous command (extract).

rosetta [-c, --config CONFIG_FILE] compile [-h, --help] [-t, --target CONNECTION_NAME] [-s, --source CONNECTION_NAME]
Parameter Description
-h, --help Show the help message and exit.
-c, --config CONFIG_FILE YAML config file. If none is supplied it will use main.conf in the current directory if it exists.
-s, --source CONNECTION_NAME (Optional) The source connection name where models are generated.
-t, --target CONNECTION_NAME The target connection name in which source DBML converts to.
-d, --with-drop Add query to drop tables when generating ddl.


CREATE TABLE breathe.profiles(id INTEGER not null AUTO_INCREMENT, name STRING not null);


This is the command that generates dbt models for a source DBML which was generated by the previous command (extract).

rosetta [-c, --config CONFIG_FILE] dbt [-h, --help] [-s, --source CONNECTION_NAME]
Parameter Description
-h, --help Show the help message and exit.
-c, --config CONFIG_FILE YAML config file. If none is supplied it will use main.conf in the current directory if it exists.
-s, --source CONNECTION_NAME The source connection name where models are generated.


Show the difference between the local model and the database. Check if any table is removed, or added or if any columns have changed.

rosetta [-c, --config CONFIG_FILE] diff [-h, --help] [-s, --source CONNECTION_NAME]
Parameter Description
-h, --help Show the help message and exit.
-c, --config CONFIG_FILE YAML config file. If none is supplied it will use main.conf in the current directory if it exists.
-s, --source CONNECTION_NAME The source connection is used to specify which models and connection to use.
-m, --model MODEL_FILE (Optional) The model file to use for apply. Default is model.yaml


There are changes between local model and targeted source
Table Changed: Table 'actor' columns changed
Column Changed: Column 'actor_id' in table 'actor' changed 'Precision'. Old value: '1', new value: '5'
Column Changed: Column 'actor_id' in table 'actor' changed 'Autoincrement'. Old value: 'true', new value: 'false'
Column Changed: Column 'actor_id' in table 'actor' changed 'Primary key'. Old value: 'false', new value: 'true'
Column Changed: Column 'actor_id' in table 'actor' changed 'Nullable'. Old value: 'true', new value: 'false'
Table Added: Table 'address'


This command runs tests for columns using assertions. Then they are translated into query commands, executed, and compared with an expected value. Currently supported assertions are: equals(=), not equals(!=), less than(<), more than(>), less than or equals(<=), more than or equals(>=), contains(in), is null, is not null, like, between. Examples are shown below:

rosetta [-c, --config CONFIG_FILE] test [-h, --help] [-s, --source CONNECTION_NAME]
Parameter Description
-h, --help Show the help message and exit.
-c, --config CONFIG_FILE YAML config file. If none is supplied it will use main.conf in the current directory if it exists.
-s, --source CONNECTION_NAME The source connection is used to specify which models and connections to use.

Note: Value for BigQuery Array columns should be comma separated value ('a,b,c,d,e').


safeMode: false
databaseType: "mysql"
  - name: "actor"
    type: "TABLE"
      - name: "actor_id"
        typeName: "SMALLINT UNSIGNED"
        ordinalPosition: 0
        primaryKeySequenceId: 1
        columnDisplaySize: 5
        scale: 0
        precision: 5
        nullable: false
        primaryKey: true
        autoincrement: false
            - operator: '='
              value: 16
              expected: 1
      - name: "first_name"
        typeName: "VARCHAR"
        ordinalPosition: 0
        primaryKeySequenceId: 0
        columnDisplaySize: 45
        scale: 0
        precision: 45
        nullable: false
        primaryKey: false
        autoincrement: false
            - operator: '!='
              value: 'Michael'
              expected: 1

Output example:

Running tests for mysql. Found: 2

1 of 2, RUNNING test ('=') on column: 'actor_id'                                                    
1 of 2, FINISHED test on column: 'actor_id' (expected: '1' - actual: '1')  ......................... [PASS in 0.288s]
2 of 2, RUNNING test ('!=') on column: 'first_name'                                                 
2 of 2, FINISHED test on column: 'first_name' (expected: '1' - actual: '219')  ..................... [FAIL in 0.091s]


Gets current model and compares with state of database, generates ddl for changes and applies to database.

rosetta [-c, --config CONFIG_FILE] apply [-h, --help] [-s, --source CONNECTION_NAME]
Parameter Description
-h, --help Show the help message and exit.
-c, --config CONFIG_FILE YAML config file. If none is supplied it will use main.conf in the current directory if it exists.
-s, --source CONNECTION_NAME The source connection is used to specify which models and connection to use.
-m, --model MODEL_FILE (Optional) The model file to use for apply. Default is model.yaml


(Actual database)

safeMode: false
databaseType: "mysql"
  - name: "actor"
    type: "TABLE"
      - name: "actor_id"
        typeName: "SMALLINT UNSIGNED"
        ordinalPosition: 0
        primaryKeySequenceId: 1
        columnDisplaySize: 5
        scale: 0
        precision: 5
        nullable: false
        primaryKey: true
        autoincrement: false
            - operator: '='
              value: 16
              expected: 1

(Expected database)

safeMode: false
databaseType: "mysql"
  - name: "actor"
    type: "TABLE"
      - name: "actor_id"
        typeName: "SMALLINT UNSIGNED"
        ordinalPosition: 0
        primaryKeySequenceId: 1
        columnDisplaySize: 5
        scale: 0
        precision: 5
        nullable: false
        primaryKey: true
        autoincrement: false
            - operator: '='
              value: 16
              expected: 1
      - name: "first_name"
        typeName: "VARCHAR"
        ordinalPosition: 0
        primaryKeySequenceId: 0
        columnDisplaySize: 45
        scale: 0
        precision: 45
        nullable: false
        primaryKey: false
        autoincrement: false
            - operator: '!='
              value: 'Michael'
              expected: 1

Description: Our actual database does not contain first_name so we expect it to alter the table and add the column, inside the source directory there will be the executed DDL and a snapshot of the current database.

Safety Operation

In model.yaml you can find the attribute safeMode which is by default disabled (false). If you want to prevent any DROP operation during apply command, set safeMode: true.

Copyright and License Information

Unless otherwise specified, all content, including all source code files and documentation files in this repository are:

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this tool except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Declarative Database Management - DDL Transpiler






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