This is a barber-shop booking platform . Firebase π as Backend service and Flutter π used as client technology.
- /app
# This is where all the application's directories will be contained
- /data
- /enums
- /services
# Here our repositories are just classes that will mediate the communication between our controller and our data.
# Our controllers won't need to know where the data comes from, and you can use more than one repository on a controller if you need to.
- /model
# Our classes, or data models responsible for abstracting our objects.
- model.dart
- /modules
- /my_module
- page.dart
- controller.dart
- local_widget/
# Here we create all local widget's of specefic pages
- /global_widgets
# Widgets that can be reused by multiple **modules**.
- /routes
- routes.dart
# class Routes { const HOME = '/ home'; }
- pages.dart
# class AppPages { static final pages = [
# GetPage(name: Routes.HOME, page:()=> HomePage())
# ]};
- /core
- /values
# Here we store all colors / strings and dimens
- /theme
# Here we can create themes for our app
- /utils
# Here you can insert utilities for your application, such as masks, form keys or widgets
- exports.dart
#Export all required file into one file (like material.dart :D)
- dependency_injection.dart
# inject all required dependencies in this file
- main.dart
# main file
βοΈ Add Firestore structure to the document
βοΈ Add ability to add comment for each story