Compras::UA - Client API to Brazil bid system (
To install it you will need perl (5.028 or later) and cpanm
$ git clone
$ cd compras-gov
$ cpanm --installdeps .
We provide a script to try out some searches
$ ./script/ [1-4] # each number is a search
use Compras::UA;
use DDP;
my $ua = Compras::UA->new( { module => 'licitacoes', params => { valor_inicial => 100000 } } );
my $data = $ua->get_data->{results};
p $data; # will print a Collection of Compras::Model::Contracts
The goal is to handle all models as provided here
When constructing Compras::UA
we pass to the constructor the terms of our search.
We list these terms, examplifing it, bellow:
The entitie we want data, eg, 'licitacoes' details
This is the actual data the module can provide, eg, 'orgaos' details
Any search parameters for the method invoked, eg, 'nome' for 'orgaos'
The format of response, by default json. Acceptable values are: html, csv.
So the search bellow represents and returns all institutions named 'TRIBUNAL' that have bids listed.
my $ua = Compras::UA->new( { module => 'licitacoes', method => 'orgaos', params => { nome => 'TRIBUNAL' } } );
try {
my $res = $ua->get_data;
$res->{results}->each( sub { $_->nome } );
} catch ($e) {
warn "Error $e";
The results are a collection of Models determined by the module parameter. Models holds the data that is listed in the documentation for, eg, the above search returns Compras::Model::Institutions that contains accessors for each listed response the server documents, eg in this case:
$ele->$_ for qw( ativo codigo codigo_siorg codigo_tipo_adm codigo_tipo_esfera codigo_tipo_poder nome)
# prints value of all model public accessor
You can get a list on Server doc or looking at the Models classes.
my $ret = $ua->get_data;
$ret->{results}->each( sub ($e, $n) { say join ' ', @{ $e->to_arrayref} } );
Returns hash reference containing data of the search. It runs many searches if the results cannot be completed
in only one requests. Server handles at most 500 records per request. Those will
be concurrent requests. Under results
key is the array reference with the
say $ua->url;
Returns the url that was requested.
Copyright (C) Marco Arthur.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Marco Arthur [email protected]