This program calculates F-score, weighted F-score and S-score as well as precision-recall and remaining uncertainty–misinformation curves as described in the Critical Assessment of protein Function Annotation (CAFA).
CAFA-evaluator is generic and works with any type of ontology. Its implementation is inspired to the original Matlab code used in CAFA2 assessment and available at
In the Kaggle CAFA5 challenge the software is executed with the following command:
python3 go-basic.obo predition_dir/ test_terms.tsv -out_dir results/ -ia IA.txt -prop fill -norm cafa -th_step 0.001 -max_terms 500
In the example above the method prediction file should be inside the prediction_dir/
folder and
evaluated against the test_terms.tsv
file containing the ground truth (not available to participants).
The software does not require any installation. Simply download the repository and run the script. The following packages are required:
- numpy
- pandas
- matplotlib (only for generating the plots)
- The word
are used interchangeably in the following documentation. - In order to replicate CAFA results, you can simply adapt the input files.
- No/partial knowledge can be reproduced by filtering/splitting the ground truth file
- In order to exclude specific terms from the analyses, e.g. generic "binding" terms, you can directly modify the input ontology file
Prediction files are filtered considering only those targets included in the ground truth and
only those terms included in the ontology file.
If the ground truth contains only annotations from one aspect (e.g. "molecular function"),
the evaluation is provided only for that aspect.
The -max_terms
parameter determines the maximum number of terms that will be considered for each target.
Parsing stops when the target limit for every ontology is reached. The score is not checked,
meaning that terms are not sorted before the check, and the check is performed before propagation.
The ontology is processed with an internal parser that accepts only the OBO format. The following rules are applied:
- Obsolete terms are always excluded
- Only "is_a" and "part_of" relationships are considered
- Cross-aspect or cross-ontology relationships are always discarded
- Alternative term IDs are automatically mapped to the main ID
When information accretion is provided, terms which are not available in the accretion file are removed from the ontology.
Both the predictions and the ground truth annotations are always propagated up to the ontology root(s). Two strategies are available: i) prediction scores are propagated without overwriting the scores assigned to the parents; ii) scores are propagated considering always the max.
The algorithm stores in memory a Numpy boolean N x M array (N = number of ground truth targets; M = ontology terms of a single aspect) for each aspect in the ground truth file.
An array of the same size (rows ≤ N), but containing floats (the prediction scores) instead of booleans, is stored for each prediction file. Prediction files are processed one by one and the matrix gets reassigned.
The assessment is provided by running the script. While the plots are generated running the plot.ipynb Jupyter Notebook. To run the assessment:
python3 ontology.obo predition_dir/ ground_truth_dir/ground_truth.txt -out_dir results/ -ia ia.txt
Mandatory positional arguments
Ontology file - Ontology in OBO format
Prediction folder - Contain prediction files. Optionally, files can be organized into sub-folders, e.g. one folder per team. Sub-folders are processed recursively and the sub-folder name is used as prefix for the method name
Ground truth file - The ground truth file must contain terms in any of the ontology namespace
Optional arguments (non positional)
- -out_dir - Output folder. Default to current folder
- -ia - Information accretion file
- -prop - Propagation strategy
- -no_orphans - Exclude orphan terms, e.g. the root(s)
- -norm - Normalization strategy
Prediction file - Tab separated file with the target ID, term ID and score columns.
T98230000001 GO:0000159 0.39
T98230000001 GO:0032991 0.39
T98230000001 GO:1902494 0.39
Ground truth file - Tab separated file with the target ID and term ID. Additional columns are discarded.
T100900005305 GO:0033234
T100900010085 GO:0006468
T100900010085 GO:0046777
Information accretion (optional) - If not provided weighted and S statistics are not generated. Information accretion (IA) can be calculated as described in Wyatt and Radivojac, Bioinformatics, 2013
GO:0000003 3.27
GO:0000035 12.00
GO:0000149 6.82
evaluation_all.tsv - A table containing the full evaluation, i.e. assessment measures for each threshold. This file is used as input to generate the plots (see below)
filename ns tau cov pr rc f wpr wrc wf mi ru s
INGA_2.cafa biological_process 0.01000 1.00000 0.07748 0.63499 0.13812 0.05897 0.54060 0.10633 1218.13785 56.96602 1219.46913
INGA_2.cafa biological_process 0.02000 1.00000 0.07820 0.63330 0.13920 0.05952 0.53867 0.10719 1159.93153 57.13914 1161.33804
INGA_1.cafa cellular_component 0.74000 0.09875 0.58884 0.02458 0.04719 0.58206 0.02551 0.04888 7.93891 297.84363 297.94941
INGA_1.cafa cellular_component 0.75000 0.05799 0.62162 0.01476 0.02884 0.62162 0.01474 0.02879 7.03334 518.35996 518.40768
evaluation_best_< metric >.tsv - A table containing the best results, best rows from previous file. The metric indicates based on what metric best rows are selected
filename ns tau cov pr rc f wpr wrc wf mi ru s max_cov
INGA_1.cafa biological_process 0.50000 0.91253 0.37096 0.34422 0.35709 0.32304 0.28531 0.30300 83.82684 95.50003 127.07161 1.00000
INGA_1.cafa cellular_component 0.54000 1.00000 0.42442 0.53451 0.47315 0.32350 0.47875 0.38611 26.64830 17.54473 31.90533 1.00000
INGA_1.cafa molecular_function 0.46000 0.84257 0.52550 0.45361 0.48692 0.50055 0.41148 0.45167 37.42959 30.25438 48.12797 0.99557
INGA_2.cafa biological_process 0.41000 0.91489 0.36964 0.34685 0.35788 0.32158 0.28766 0.30367 84.40635 94.99940 127.07997 1.00000
INGA_2.cafa cellular_component 0.52000 1.00000 0.42417 0.53597 0.47356 0.32292 0.48135 0.38653 26.77789 17.38719 31.92757 1.00000
INGA_2.cafa molecular_function 0.41000 0.92905 0.47084 0.49677 0.48345 0.44646 0.45148 0.44895 43.32693 25.13350 50.08907 0.99778
info.log - Log file. Information is appended
Plots are generated by running all the cells in the plot.ipynb Jupyter Notebook after generating the assessment dataframe evaluation_all.tsv (see above).
In order to generate the figures you need to manually modify the first cell of the notebook which contains information about the input path and a few parameters. Parameters include:
- the metric (F-score, wighted F-score, S measure)
- the path to the input dataframe (evaluation_all.tsv)
- the output folder
- an optional file (names.tsv) including information about methods aliases and groups. If provided, the results are presented selecting only one method per group. Example file:
filename group label
fig_< metric >_< name_space >.png - A notebook that generates a figure for each namespace in the dataframe and the selected metric. The notebook generates one metric at the time, you have to modify the input cell to generate the plots for a different metric
fig_< metric >.tsv - A file with the data points for the metric curves. One curve for each method
group label ns tau cov wrc wpr wf
INGA INGA_1 biological_process 0.010 0.993 0.557 0.094 0.160
INGA INGA_1 biological_process 0.020 0.993 0.555 0.094 0.161
INGA INGA_1 biological_process 0.030 0.993 0.552 0.095 0.162
INGA INGA_1 biological_process 0.040 0.993 0.551 0.095 0.163