Late Fusion for LiDAR and RGB detections.
Clone the LT3D reposityory from and the LT3D nuscenes-devkit from
You should mkdir a file folder in "./tools" (e.g. "fusion" folder) containing all the files from this project when you need to use mmdetection3d framework.
You should get 3D detections and 2D detections results with .pkl and .txt format respectively. The .pkl results from lidar should be getted by "tools/" in mmdetection3d codebase and the .txt results from camera should be getted by some 2D dectector methods (e.g. DINO). I will provide above two results in lidar_results ( and camera_results ( getted by Centerpoint (Hierarchy) and DINO respectively.
Calibrate the 18 classes for long-tailed derections, you can get the best metrics (AP) for each classes from the logs.
python tools/fusion/
- Add overlapping mechanism for evaluating the metrics (mAP).
python tools/fusion/
- You can get metircs (mAP) for "Many, medium, few" classes.
- The '' script contain precomputed calibrations by different 3D (e.g. Centerpoint) and 2D detections (e.g. DINO).