A special thanks to Markus "Cypher" Prinz who brought me to Jekyll and Github Pages in the first place. Another special thanks goes out to Thomas "xon1c" Nägele, for pointing me to "320 and up".
A shout out to Vito Botta for his blog post Migrating from Wordpress to Jekyll - Part 2: Everything you need to know about Jekyll -- I've found some pretty helpfull hints in there.
Thank you Paul Irish and the numerous commiters to the HTML5 Boilerplate project on github as well as Andy Clarke for creating 320 and up -- you guys are awesome. :)
Hi, my name is Florian, and I created this little template to help me with two things: get familiar with the stuff I wanted to use (HTML5 Boilerplate, 320 and up, Jekyll) and to ease the deployment of the whole package to my blog.
This is very much a work in progress, so don't expect too much of it.
I've just started. I've basically just bundled HTML5 Boilerplate and 320 and up and set up the default folder structure for Jekyll. With some fumbling here and there it seems to work pretty fine already. I'm unsure about what I should get up to next, but if you look into my TODO-file, you'll find some of the stuff I'm planning to do.
Have fun! ;-) Florian Holzner, Vienna, 2011-05-04
Just check out this repository from github, and you're pretty much good to go. You might want to edit _config.yml
so your name shows up on the homepage.
You should have Jekyll and Pygments installed locally, if you want to really work with this. Once jekyll is installed, just run Jekyll from the root directory of the template with jekyll --safe --server --pygments
and you are golden.
This software is shared under The Unlicense.
This template contains the default folder structure for a blog to be rendered by Jekyll (like those on Github Pages). The following files and folders are a part of that.
+-- _includes | |-- boilerplate_analytics_scripts.html | `-- boilerplate_css_scripts.html +-- _layouts | |-- default.html | |-- frontpage.html | `-- post.html +-- _plugins | `-- README.md +-- _posts | |-- 1970-1-1-hello-world.md | |-- 1971-1-1-hello-world.md | |-- 1972-1-1-hello-world.md | |-- 1973-1-1-hello-world.md +-- _site |-- _config.yml |-- 404.html |-- atom.xml `-- index.md
For a basic introduction go to the Page about Usage of Jekyll on the Jekyll-Wiki on Github.
This is the folder where all the files go that you want Jekyll to include for you. You can do includes with {% include filename.filetype %}
and Jekyll will go and look for the file in this folder. The Files boilerplate_analytics_scripts.html
and boilerplate_css_scripts.html
both get included in the default-Layout file. (See _layouts.)
This is where your layout files go. I've included three into the default package.
- The default page layout is found in
. This is where all the includes of the stylesheets and scripts happen. (See _includes) - The layout for the blogs frontpage is in
. - The layout for a single is defined
This is the directory where all your plugins go. Since I don't have any plugins for Jekyll that I want to bundle, I have included the nearly empty file README.md
so this folder gets added to the repository and commited non the less.
This is the folder where your Blogposts go. 1970-1-1-hello-world.md
, 1971-1-1-hello-world.md
, 1972-1-1-hello-world.md
and 1973-1-1-hello-world.md
are just sample data.
This folder is not in the repository, you have to create it. It is, however, in the gitignore-file. This is where Jekyll will put the finished files for your site after performing all it's magic.
The config file for jekyll. You can finde some hints on configuring Jekyll in the Jekyll-Wiki, especially on this page.
Your error page.
This is where you can set up an Atom-Feed for your page. I will provide a more detailed explaination in one of the next iterations.
This is were the content for your index page goes. The generation of an overview of the blog posts is independant of this, though.
HTML5 Boilerplate and 320 and up are responsible for the rest of the folder structure. It's pretty much the basic folder structure of every website that you will find around the interwebz.
- HTML5 Boilerplate stripped (The Unlicense)
- jQuery (MIT/GPL license)
- Modernizr (MIT/BSD license)
- DD_belatedPNG (MIT license)
- YUI Profiling (BSD license)
- HTML5Doctor CSS reset (Public Domain)
- CSS Reset Reloaded (Public Domain)
- 320 and up for responsive styling (MIT License)
I pull boilerplate directly from the Github repository from the branch stripped, so all the comments and links and stuff are left out. If you need comments, you should check out a copy of the master branch.
I have to download "320 and up" directly from the homepage, as there appears to be no repository available for the public. The version included in the initial release of this is v0.9. If there is a repository available and I'm just to stupid to find it, please tell me.
Find out more about 320 and up.
+-- build | +-- config | | |-- default.properties | | `-- project.properties | +-- tools | | +-- optipng-0.6.4-exe | | | |-- LICENSE.txt | | | `-- optipng.exe | | |-- ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar | | |-- htmlcompressor-0.9.9.jar | | |-- jpegtran.exe | | `-- yuicompressor-2.4.2.jar | |-- build.xml | |-- creaproject.sh | `-- runbuildscript.bat +-- css | +-- mylibs | | `-- forms.css | |-- 2x.css | |-- 480.css | |-- 768.css | |-- 992.css | |-- 1382.css | |-- handheld.css | |-- print.css | `-- style.css +-- img | +-- h | | |-- apple-touch-icon.png | | `-- splash.png | +-- l | | |-- apple-touch-icon.png | | |-- apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png | | `-- splash.png | +-- m | | `-- apple-touch-icon.png | +-- tmp | | `-- grid.png | `-- .gitignore +-- js | +-- libs | | |-- dd_belatedpng.js | | |-- DOMAssistantCompressed-2.8.js | | |-- imgsizer.js | | |-- jquery-1.5.1.js | | |-- jquery-1.5.1.min.js | | |-- modernizr-1.7.min.js | | |-- respond.min.js | | |-- respond.src.js | | `-- selectivizr-1.0.1.js | |-- mylibs | | |-- .gitignore | | `-- helper.js | |-- plugins.js | `-- script.js +-- test | +-- qunit | | |-- qunit.css | | `-- qunit.js | |-- index.html | `-- test.js |-- .htaccess |-- 404.html |-- apple-touch-icon.png |-- apple-touch-icon-57x57-precomposed.png |-- apple-touch-icon-72x72-precomposed.png |-- apple-touch-icon-114x114-precomposed.png |-- crossdomain.xml |-- favicon.ico |-- humans.txt `-- robots.txt